“Your mission, should you choose to accept it” like he really actually had a choice.
Exhausted. That’s me.
/curls up in pillow fort.
/sighs, that was a crisis I didn’t want at 2am. Woke up to our house freezing, mind you it -40c outside right now with the wind. Our furnace had quit. The awesome tech I called walked me through fixing it. Woot woot we have heat again. That guy was freaking great.
“Cow juice”?
The rest of it looks great, though.
Last time that happened with my furnace, it was due to snow covering my furnace exhaust outside! Had to shovel it out (snow had drifted up about 3 feet on the side of the house) and then it kicked back on for me. Was thankful that it wasn’t something more serious.
Glad you got yours running again!
Are you ready for some sportsballlll
I feel like I should pay attention to this one since I’m originally from Florida and the Bucs are playing in Tampa…
So many unfinished projects…
Just having a home Super Bowl party. Real simple. Tubby’s subs and we are trying the new Broth Bowls from Zoup. They look yummy. Getting the spicy broccoli one.
Ordering pizza and wings for the game. Lots of wings lol
Ah, the Crafter’s Refrain.
Bug the Hug
Hug the Bug
Which one rolls off the tongue better?
Vallhalla is done for the most part story is done got excalibur got molijnar now to wait for any DLC SL im back.
Got a wonderful GM specialist yesterday that helped me get my chapter 1 covenant campaign completed on this character. Tuz is what he said was short for his name. Apparently their are 2 quests you don’t get when you switch covenants and he had to add those to Jetsum for finally being able to get the covenant campaign fully completed.
edit: I even did the survey afterwards because he fixed it up to where all I had to do was go back to my sanctum and turn the 2 quests in.
Did you get the bow? There’s a bow under a rock pile that only Excalibur can break open at a certain time.
I did but i hacked the game to get it getting Excalibur was totaly worth it giant pain in the butt but worth it.
I heard about it in a YT video yesterday. Apparently, the community couldn’t figure out the clues in the CE box and ended up brute-forcing the puzzle.
Thats how i got it basicly whack a mole with save and load turns out you have to hit the rock as the suns either rising or setting.