{CS Lounge} The Light and How to Swing It

think my cousin(s) just finished their vacay in Disney World, just before they closed the park down.

she talked about going to a walmart down there, and how most of the shelves were bare. (not just TP, but food in general) and i think i understand why.

people are stockpiling, and preparing to hunker down to wait out the Wuhan Coronavirus. sadly, here in Canada, people just seem to be stockpiling on TP and nothing more…though i could be mistaken on that part.

If this lady gives one more person a stink eye for coughing here at the grocery store while she is also wearing a mask I might burst her bubble.

The mask is not an effective filtration mask for what she is trying to do. It would honestly make me laugh to deflate her at this point simply because of her snide looks and under the breath comments I can hear.


The Wowhead attunement tracker is mildly annoying. The tracker for Highmountain Tauren tracks Thunder Bluff reputation instead of Highmountain Tauren. It’s okay for the heritage armor, but not the allied race.

That’s what i get for not checking properly. The section I was looking at WAS for the heritage armor. The Highmountain Tauren attunement was higher up the page.


Well, the chancellor for our university system suspended classes for a week (depended on your spring break). Since all homework was due on the last day of next week, I moved it back a day :wink:. I don’t think that giving everyone another week when they have had 3 weeks to work on it is unfair.

In other fun news, the missus and I went to a fundraiser for Firefighters for Healing and on the first raffle, we won tickets to a brewers dinner at Rock Bottom in the upcoming weeks. Everyone laughs because we seem to always win the initial raffle (it’s always a third party that draws the tickets so RNG for the win).

Happy weekend all.


Good morning Lounge! It’s been relatively quiet here, but my kitty says hello as well.


Hello to you and hello to your kitty cat.


Hello to you & the kitty.

Stormy says hello as well:


Hello, Stormy! You are such a pretty kitty. Even if you are glaring at me and barely tolerating my existence. ~opens can of tuna~


Happy Friday the 13th.

Stayed up too late last night playing some Ravenhearst mod of 7dtd and letting the cat sleep in my lap. Zombie killing and scavenging. Sounds about right. Kitty kept spreading further, then shifting, until near the end he was closer to my ankles than my lap.


Sleepy Trying to get back on the coffee wagon instead of energy drinks is rough.

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Yeah, he wasn’t too happy about me getting up earlier and even less happy about the camera in his face.

But he is a snuggler and lover of cuddles.


Son got home from work today and said they got 7 pallets of tp on todays truck. It’s all gone already. He also said they are now all out of baby wipes. He put all he had in the backroom out. All gone. I feel sorry for people who really need that stuff.

It seems like it’d be smart to implement some kind of rationing system on them, so that people don’t walk out with cartloads of the stuff. :rage:

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You would think.

The local supermarket here has a cap on how much hand soap you can buy so that others can also get some.

Walgreens down the street in the other direction, however? No such limitation. Soap and sanitizer gone days ago.

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My wife is at the grocery store now. The TP and soup aisles are vacant.

Living in downtown, the parking lots are still rather full if not a tad bit higher than usual. The auto show has been going on for over a week now at the convention center. Even with the TWolves not playing, downtown was pretty normal for a Thursday evening.

Next week should be fun.

Although some people are wearing masks mistakenly believing they offer some protection from the virus, there actually is a legitimate reason for wearing them. Although health officials consistently warn against it, it’s almost impossible to avoid the habit of touching your face. A mask acts as a reminder when you start to reach, especially for your mouth or nose, but even the eyes.

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Yeah, I was going to say that was a cat that was woken during the 16 hour nap.


inc mundane rant:

this is not turning out to be a great day for me, and i can probably constitute the fact that i barely got 5-6hrs of sleep last night.

first, i get a notification that a post i made was removed, and i want to apologize for it. didn’t realize the “word” in question wasn’t allowed…it didn’t exactly seem inappropriate, but you learn something new every day.

secondly, trying to find a new Alliance server on Classic is proving to be excruciating painful. the “main” servers i’m told about aren’t as good as i’ve heard. i know every server has their share of…for lack of better words “trolls” (i’ve already got 2 strikes against me, and i’d really rather not make a “hat trick” of it.)

but it becomes problematic when said servers become increasingly inhospitable, let alone toxic. i’m told there’s another server, but it’s on the west coast and honestly, i’d much prefer playing on the east coast, as it’s less of a hassle for me.

re-rolling IS an option, though not exactly a preferable one…so if i find a decent server to play on, i’ll consider sending just about everything i’ve got to an “alt” and send them over with said stuff.

for now…? about the only thing i want to do, is just crawl into the pillow fort and forget this day even occurred. ._.

The worst part of this pandemic is the guilt I feel when I sneeze at work.

I can literally feel everyone around me giving me side eye…

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While I’ve got nothing to contribute to the rest, if it’s the post I think it is, sexual references are very much practically forbidden on the forums. :grimacing:

Usually always best to avoid those.