{CS Lounge} The Light and How to Swing It

I get weird dreams when I’m medicated. Dreams and nightmares that make me go “wait, what”
I already consider my dreams to be chaotic.


After I cleaned up from the boil, I crashed, went to bed at 7pm, woke up at 4 am. Now Im up :slight_smile:

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One of my dresses won first place at the local Show.


Yay that is awesome


well, i mean you ARE a Warlock. :stuck_out_tongue:


oh and it was Sleepeaze or something spelt similliar to it.


When someone coughs, 100 other people run for the bathroom.



Customer support relevance to this thread?

I once had a recurring dream for a very long time about being trapped in Willy Wonka’s factory, the crazy Wonka Land everything is edible part, but it was now run by vampires and converted into a putt putt golf emporium. The vampires would occasionally show up and chase me for awhile. I never found my way out of the place and the dream just got weirder by the night. I remember I once found my way into what turned out to be a medical clinic that was run by Oprah Winfery.

I’m pretty sure that dream was medication related as it stopped about a week after I quit taking a certain pill. Boy, was I relieved when it finally stopped.


Sitting at the Workers Comp court waiting for grandma’s stuff to be finalized.

Almost behind her. An appearance then her lawyer gets the check. He puts it in the trust takes his fee and she gets paid next week.

Then hopefully she does not spring mystery errands on me after so j can go ho e and relax. Son has speech therapy after school, and then he wants to go to family skate night tonight at the roller rink.

got about 6hrs of sleep last night…think my best bet, is to just take things easy for the day.

debating about what to do about dinner, and i may just put something quick in the oven like fish and chips or something. tomorrow, i may do up some sloppy joes for a change of pace.

hope everyone’s day is going well though.

congrats my friend

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I posted the actual term, but it was removed.

“This post was flagged by the community and a staff member opted to remove it.”

Maybe I should have anticipated that.
Better to just say “butterflied” in print I guess.


I’ve seen a couple articles on it, such as https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/09/health/toilet-paper-shortages-novel-coronavirus-trnd/index.html

I think the interesting one is that toilet paper is going to remain a necessity whether the feared danger occurs or not, so it’s not wasted money - just inconvenience finding space for it. So it provides comfort that they’ve done something to prepare without (generally) resulting in waste or terribly broken budgets.

From the stickied Welcome Thread:

Note: We allow one off topic thread to be maintained in the Customer Support forum where regular and visiting posters may engage in more social discussions not directly related to World of Warcraft or other support issues.

So encouraging a friendly community and less off-topic interaction in threads asking for help, basically.


Me too!!! Really puts me into a deep sleep. If I don’t take my usual amount, I wake up anywhere between 3-5am feeling like I got a full 8 hours of sleep.

Post crawfish boil clean up begins…


It is a dark day. Just learned Tom Hanks contracted Covid-19. :frowning:

You missed the pun you made. Tp, runs, get it? I will leave now.

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As well as his wife, in Australia apparently.

We have our first confirmed case in our county now.
A person who had traveled to Italy.
In a hospital two miles from my house.

Didn’t mean to get you in trouble. Sorry about that but it is a cooking term, I just couldn’t spell it and was too lazy to look it up. :frowning_face:

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We recently had someone with the virus and travelling come through on a stop here. Not sure if any of the people who got off on the stop contracted it. So far I see no toilet paper hoarding going on. I would have expected people to be buying disinfecting wipes and Lysol spray by the boatloads, not TP.

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