[CS Lounge] - Sword and Shield!

I see heirloom and upgrade prices are coming down in the new patch. That makes me happy.

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I also found my screenshot of when MG got the mount from HH. The announcement on guild chat and her going “YESYESYES”

Oh and my remaining old Hyjal shots.


Good call on the doctors part Mast, I had Asthma as a child and had to sleep with a vaporizer luckily I grew out of the asthma but started smoking in my teens up until I was in my late 30’s then stopped smoking due to damage to my lungs, Luckily they healed however now every time I get a cold or flu it turns to Bronchitis.

I wish I had never picked up smoking, hopefully I’ll live a long life but you never know, I just turned 59 so we’ll see I guess.


I’m stocked up on popcorn now so I can see the forums light up when people find out their portals are gone tomorrow after the patch…LOL


I just retired so I have all the time in the world to play. I guess I will start my spring cleaning early :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: and hang out in the forums.:popcorn:


Well, I have all my higher level characters with their new hearth locations and sitting outside each of the MoP raids waiting to run them for the new pet achievement.

Just hoping I have better luck on Live than I did on the PTR with the drops. I did x4 runs of each raid on each difficulty (so 20 runs per raid) and got every pet BUT the Ravenous Prideling.

That little Sha of Happiness is just too adorable to not have, lol.


I still can’t believe Blizzard did that. :heart:


I didn’t leave my characters outside of Pandaren raids. I’m not that organized.

I do have over 30 characters 100+. I think I’ll be doing the raids more now than when I got the cape on 12 characters, almost 13, when it was still current.

I’ve never wanted a pet more than that one.


When Blizzard let me know that was happening I cried for a good two hours.


You deserved it. :heart:


Anyone else seeing an issue where you flag a post and the flag disappears if you refresh the page or leave and come back to the thread? It allows you to flag it again to, makes me wonder if the flags are going through.

I forgot about Shappy.
Or is it Shappie?



I’m going to email you a few pictures later

My general manager and I have spent the last month training a new district manager (because you have to be able to run one store before you can oversee a half dozen stores). I stopped by Saturday night to see how everything was going and she pulled me aside to let me know that she’s being sent to another store for her next phase of training.

This new store is brand-spanking new and struggling - poorly-trained staff and disorganized inventory control. She’s asked my GM to help her assess the staffing and training issues, and me to overhaul the back room. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy to have my efforts recognized beyond the usual ribbing about my alleged OCD from the rest of the staff. :blush:


noms Alvie

Oy, no eating Blood Elves!

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I refuse to train any more bosses. I’ve trained my current supervisor because I’ve held the position and I felt sorry for him. Now he’s a complete and total adult explictive . Nope. No mas.


They taste like peaches or perfume.


This trainee wasn’t so bad… after I got past her unbound enthusiasm. She doesn’t seem as brain-dead as the rest of our cadre of DMs, though I suspect the final phase of DM training involves a lobotomy, so we shall see.

Happy Friday, btw. :tada: