[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

Thanks for that! I haven’t gone fishing in that fountain in aaaaaaages.


Shh spoilers sweety.

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I’m seeing a bunch of Tauren on my server doing the new content. More so than any elf race, human or even the Gnomes.

Im not even installing any addons for at least a week.

Just had something funny happen while I was in Azj-Kahet.

I went to grab a treasure and there was a webbed mob next to it. A hostile mob attacked me before I could get treasure so had to kill it first. In the midst of all that, the webbed mob ran off (while still webbed) and didn’t return until the hostile mob was dead.



I guess even the NPC have a insectphobia lol.


Something else to clutter up the bank of my main.


Too random to just be a easter egg.

If I were to redo my Warcraft Story after tonight, it would surely show how many times I have thrown myself into a swarm of level 80 mobs under the misguided premise I would somehow survive, lol.

On the bright side, I did complete the Khaz Algar Glyph Hunter achievement and got my mount from it.

Now I can focus on leveling.


I want too but keeps saying somethings gone wong just as it finishes.

7 jars of strawberry jam


I really hate dealing with the US Government… It’s all hands on deck when they want something from you, and when you are waiting for them, they are as slow as molasses in winter.


Oh nice. I used the self-unstuck feature and it moved me to a graveyard in the same zone I was falling under.

I don’t tend to fall under the world, so this was new to me.


Just want to thank everyone coming to my defense.


Fist Bump DW


Yesterday at 6pm (launch time), I was all ready to settle down and play. Outdoor projects picked up, dinner consumed, main buffed and ready.

Then I checked my email. Friend wants to finally visit! Yay! But he wants to do it Saturday - also yay because perfect outdoor and grilling weather. However, it meant I put my shoes right back on and went out to finish the lawn mowing. I had only done the back. I have to have the house perfect because that is just what I do.

Today is clean the house so it does not look like 20 projects and the supplies exploded. Heh. I am still getting in some game time as a reward.

The person visiting is the one who gifted me the Epic edition of TWW so I really can’t complain that he is taking time away from my gaming for his visit prep. heh.

Really enjoying


I turned warmode back on. I’m not that good at PvP, but the 10% bonus is usually worth it. I’m currently AFK, and judging by the sounds I can hear, someone just got a free hk. :slight_smile:


I also discovered it but at a different stage, you can get up on the wall that surrounds Dal from a rock at landing area and jump down into fountain area, you can also get into horde area that usually teleports me out when I try and go in there, and, goblin gliders work so I was able to get to that lake where that fishing guy is, but I didn’t discover anything cool there.

U die if you fall too low, about 20 feet lower then where that lake platform is.

I suspect there are other secrets due to goblin glider working and Farwater Conch toy being disabled.


See, I have the problem of early access dropped right in the middle of family vacation, so I get to see all this for the 1st time laptop gaming.