[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

I looked at the weapon transmogs and the tusks. I decided that I can’t make the time commitment to get them. I’m not interested so much into the tusks but I would love to have the weapon appearances unlocked.

I’ve completed all mounts; leveled my Horde Druid (Highmtn), Hunter #2 (Vulpera). Warrior (Mag’har) and Mage (Nightborne). Working on an Kul’tiran now. Started him as rogue but changed him to lock to speed it along.

I’ve purchased all the Mythic SoO sets and am working on other sets I like. Hard to track though as the game doesn’t show if you’ve collected other class sets.

I ran my alliance Mage through heroic 25 Mogu’shan vaults to get the last piece of the mage set. I got it to drop and a duplicate of Egelons mount. >.>

Vet appointment survived by all. Holly was really good for the vet, but caused me to have to change, bathe, and clean the floor. She was mostly just shut down when there.

Got home and bolted from the carrier. Only took her about 10 mins to come back to the main room though and act like nothing happened. Which for her is spectacular! Her roundness is doing well with it so far.

Exam, blood work, vaccine, glands, sanitary trim. She is overweight but I knew that. 14.5 lbs. All good so far and she is much more comfy now with those things taken care of.


Only one cat went to the vet?

Pathfinder seems to easy just requires questing no rep and just exploring does that mean we get to reg fly by the time were done questing and exploring.

Is it humanly possible to take more than one? :thinking:


Yes! The super super shy one has not seen a vet since 2016 when she was a year old. I needed to get her combo vaccine update and get a basic checkup. Her littermate has been to a vet more often and is not as badly out of date on care. Callie, the third cat, is up to date on everything because she nearly died in December from kidney disease and pancreatitis.

Yes! I take all three to the Health Dept for their rabies vaccinations every 3 years. Two are easy to catch and crate together. The last one, the one I took today, is … difficult but possible. The Health Dept actually has a team of folks who come to the car and fetch the carriers for us so it really really helps!

I can do it though, I just don’t LIKE to do it.

Tysm! I appreciate it!

Yes I take 3 at once to get the multi animal discount.

It’s very easy when a family member is a vet tech, and can help you put the cats in the carriers.

I have never had a vet offer that :frowning: I WISH they would. It would be a good reason to spend the hour wrangling them into carriers. Honestly 1 will self crate and loves hanging out in it, another is easy enough to catch and is good. It is only the one cat who gives me a headache and wet clothes!

BEAUTIFUL morning here and cool enough to open windows. Taking advantage of that to air out the house and turn off AC. I also got my first level 100 in Diablo last night! Honestly, I never have done that. Close, but never 100 before. Now to see if I actually finish a Season Journey totally for the first time. Being super casual I just never usually get to the end of the most challenging parts. Maybe though… Kind of pleased about it.


Someone send some warmth to me. I don’t want another 7C night.

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I would have the windows open and be basking in the cool!

It will be 33C here on Saturday and I would willingly send at least 10 of those degrees to you!


Well, that didn’t take too much convincing. Gonna order a CO2 Laser cutter/engraver, an dad told me he’ll kick in half. Plus I got the go ahead to buy 2 FDM 3d printers from a friend in San Antonio, but that means I need to drive there.

Just dropped some cash on a modeling package for making scale model railroad buildings.

I guess you can guess what I’m gonna be starting up. heheheh


Saturday is going to be a nice day, but it is the nights where it is cold.

Been coping the Arctic blast from the south which has been making the nights feel extremely cold.

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LMAO thats great weather.


Here in Australia, we prefer more warmer temperatures. That meme I posted earlier, with Aussies in any temperatures below 20C, it is sort of accurate, though it does vary to where the person maybe from. Here in New South Wales, people prefer temperatures anywhere from 15C to 25C.

very interesting to learn.

Hey, every culture is different, and unique in their own ways too.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta pray to the coffee gods for a coffee.


I love learning about different cultures.


Ill settle for a slurpee.