[CS Lounge] Summer Party


Yeah, ER doctors or any hospital doctors won’t tell you anything here at our local hospital; The whole month of October 2018 my mother was in and out of the hospital for one thing or another and it wasn’t until the middle of November that we found out from our family doctor that she was going to die in the near future from kidney failure.
Now here we are 8 going into the 9th month and she is slowly dying an awful suffering death, Hospitals suck, All most of them are after is the $$$.

Hope that you get well soon Kyzera

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I used to love them as a child in the 60’s, Raspberry was my favorite; I remember the brain freezes when I would drink them too fast.
Now all the 7-11’s are gone from the south, I don’t know where one is down here now; They used to be everywhere.

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Thank you.


So, Dauth and I were talking, and we’ve decided that “Drunk Angry Murlocs” is the perfect band name.


What style of music?


They’re still everywhere I go, at least in Texas. I’ve got one less than a mile away from me. Their website says there are 673 locations here.

(Side note, I discovered from 7-Eleven’s website that there’s a Saginaw, TX. “Saginaw” is an Ojibwe word–the heck is it doing so far south??? Googles …the founder was from Michigan. Huh! Who’d’a thunk?)

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Sinus drainage Thunder?

yeah, I think. Feeling a bit better since I took some Ibuprofen and went to bed. Not as ache-y either.

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Dunno. Probably something like the Pogues or Dropkick Murphies though.

bags a Gnome
Off to Batuu soon. Going to build M-R2 and bring him into existence. Maybe I’ll have another Dole Whip for MG, but I have the feeling that she moved on a long time ago. So maybe I’ll have chocolate today instead.


Man I loved that vid you shared yesterday. Shared it in like 4 spots myself.

Which one? The little girl dressed as BB-8 or Family Guy singing?

-Tosses raisin-bran muffins at-


That one

Missed that one Now I need to stalk your feed to find it haha

Nice and quiet in the house at the moment. Perfect time for me to sink my teeth into Into the Spider Verse.

Never did go see it, but now that it is on Netflix…wheeeeeeee here we go

Yeah buddy.

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Tried to place my store’s beverage order last night. Despite several emails and texts reminding me to submit the order by 10:00pm tonight for delivery on July 5, their website indicates delivery on the 12th. I get the sense the cut-off date for placing the order was moved up a day because of the holiday, and that information was not communicated to me.

Waiting for their call center to open so I can (best case scenario) place my order, or (worst case) confirm my fear, and make arrangements to rent a truck and place a will-call order. Luckily, the bottling plant is conveniently located between my place and the store.

Edit - Phone call went better than expected. I made the CS rep verify before, during and after ordering that it would be delivered this Friday, not next.


Got a call from my wife. She is broken down on side of road. Got her. She is now at work, now waiting for roadside to come get the car.

I could leave the keys but I do t feel comfortable doing that.

Any other time of the year if someone sets off firecrackers the police get calls about gun fire.

Monday a guy was shot multiple times three blocks from here and nobody called it in because they assumed it was firecrackers.

(victim survived; perpetrator hasn’t been caught yet)

Finally home. Man I practically tossed the keys to the tow truck driver as he pulled up

I was hot miserable and been there for 1 1/2 hours at that point.

Almost dead positive it is the alternator. Onlt question was it just bad when we replaced it a year ago and it is warranty work? Or is it due to an oil leak frying it and we go to plan b?

It is like a 15 mile walk for her. Not certain she will like plan b. I kid I kid. But for real hope she is in shape.

Dawn of