[CS Lounge] Summer Party

Wohoo! Next week, I’ll be 52, so that means I’ll be making a big batch of golumpki for my birthday. We are gonna celebrate it early on Sunday, due to my brother-in-laws day is on that day.


…and away it goes.

heheh :grin:

Do you have a traditional recipe, Thundertotem? I’ve been trying to find one that is entirely from scratch. They’ve been okay, but not how I remember my great grandma making it and I never got her recipe. :frowning:

Sorta. I kinda wing it, but this is the recipe I refer too, I just double or triple the batch

  • 1 lb Ground Beef
  • 1 lb Ground Pork
  • 1 Onion, small, chopped
  • 1 1/2 cups Rice, uncooked
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Garlic powder
  • 1 tsp Paprika (I use Hungarian smoked paprika)
  • 1/2 tsp Pepper, black
  • 1 can (14.5 oz) Petite Diced Tomatoes, divided into 2 equal portions
  • 1 cup Water
  • 2 cans (14.5 oz) Tomato Sauce
  • 1 Head Cabbage, Cored as much as possible
  • Chives, optional, for garnish
  • Sour Cream, optional, for garnish
  1. Core the head of the cabbage. Place the cored head of cabbage in steamer basket large enough to fit the head. Place basket into a stock pot with about an inch of water. Steam the cabbage head until the outer leaves are easy to remove. Continue until all leaves are soft and can be removed easily. Set leaves aside. (Alternately, you can bring salted water to a boil and boil the cabbage head until the leaves are softened.)
  2. In a large bowl, place the ground beef, pork, chopped onions, uncooked rice, salt, paprika, garlic, pepper, and 1/2 of the petite diced tomatoes. Mix together with hands.
  3. In a casserole dish, place any broken cabbage leaves that you may have.
  4. Holding one of the full leaves in one hand, take a large spoon and place the spoonful of mixture near the stem end of the leaf. Fold in the sides of the leaf and roll from the stem end to the outer edge. Gently place the edge side down on top of the broken cabbage leaves. Continue until all are rolled and placed in the casserole dish. You might have several dishes.
  5. Take the two cans of tomato sauce and gently pour over all the wrapped cabbage rolls. (If you prefer, reserve about 1/2 cup to add over golumpkis when they’re served). Add in the other half of the petite diced tomatoes. Add in 1 cup of water or reserved water from steaming the cabbage.
  6. Sprinkle a little paprika on top of the sauce.
  7. Bake at 350 degrees (F) for about 45 minutes(?)
  8. Remove from oven. Use a large spoon to serve.

The stuffing is easy, Ground pork, ground beef, onions, rice and a few seasonings. It’s real easy to make, just time consuming. My grandma used to make it in a pressure cooker, my mother did it in the oven.


Awesome, I’ll have to check it out.

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Planning on making a double batch on Thursday or Friday.

I wanna give making borscht a try. Looks like fun to make.

My Aunt sent me some money as a gift for my Birthday, I went out and got me an oil-less Airbrush Compressor with regulator and pressure gauge. Comes with everything else , including three airbrushes.


Vrakthris, were you the guy in the Q&A with Ion?

Hello all.

Just an add to Thundertotem’s golumpki recipe. I’ve made them for years and they are awesome. I made them for my cooking school back in '97.

When you core your cabbage, be sure to roll a towel under the head of cabbage so it doesn’t roll. How do I know this? Five stitches in my thumb earlier this year when I forgot this little step.


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… I can’t believe I just spent $12 on two cups of coffee. I don’t recall hitting my head that hard…

Maybe I hit my head so hard I forgot.


Offers a ziploc bag full of ice. Me i prefer a ice cold slurpee mmmmhhh slurpee.

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They were iced mochas, so I’ve just been holding one to each temple.

It seems to be working.

Fun fact winnipeg manitoba is the slurpee capitol of the world even tho it can be on the coldes cities in the world.

Man I don’t have a 7 11 neat by and now I want a slurpee.

Thanks a lot. A coca Cola and Cherry mix. Yup.


Plain coke or pepsi for me.

Rented a car today because my actual one is back in the shop. Turns out the evap core died, which killed my AC… Which is absolutely vital in this Texas heat.



At least it wasn’t your compressor. I didn’t even have to justify the expenditure with my wife in humid Oklahoma heat.

Boys both had appointment ts today. Eldest wants to do a family therapy session. Pried a little out of him he wants to spend more time doing things with me. I can do that. Easily.

Now we are at the new huge park The Gathering Place so the boys can expend some energy before I take eldest to work.

We just got ice cream. Shaping up to be a good afternoon.

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