[CS Lounge] Summer Party

Good work on the maintenance. The game runs like a dream!

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So I wound up with the whole week off … in the wrong way. Chills and a couple other symptoms Thurs night led the advice nurse to say “go to the ER”, my brother drove me down, and I didn’t get out until yesterday afternoon with a note to not work this week.

Far too many things happening, but the fibroid got infected, they’re worried about pneumonia from an xray even if listening to my lungs is clear, they did a biopsy on a lymph node, and I’m still anemia. To the last all I can say is 'So stop sucking out all my blood!" So many blood draws during that stay.

The weird / awkward part is I look and act mostly healthy other than being unable to draw deep breaths, and the last month has had varying fevers and a couple cases of chills. (Not like Thursday, though. Never had chills that bad before, 20 minutes of hard-core shivering under multiple blankets, using my night guard to stop clenching my jaw enough to ache. I was worrying shock or sepsis at that point.)


It’s amazing how much blood gets taken. Every Dr. wants his own tests. I have scars up and down my arms from blood tests. I used to donate blood, but I can’t get back into doing that. I look like a drug junkie with all the pokes.

I’m getting burned out on the new areas. My server is horde dominated. They can lock down all the quest stuff. I don’t think they are doing it on purpose. It’s just there are so many more of them. Also I did about 6 quests in the naga place and got credit for 2. You trudge out to a mark on the map, kill a million things and it does not count for the weekly. I did finally get it done but am puzzled as to what counts and what doesn’t.:thinking:

Oh no! Feel better soon, Eilethalua!

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Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians. Hope you all have a great day! :slight_smile:


Guadalajara got hit with a freak hailstorm yesterday. Up to 60 inches/1.5m in some places. It actually moved vehicles.

Either climate change is real, or supervillain with a freeze Ray.


Ah, so the first time around. :stuck_out_tongue:
I was… 4?

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Like the Toyota?

No, not like the toy Yoda. I forgot about that, actually.

Anyone see Yesterday the film?

Yep, went last night.

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pokes and hugs

Saw annebelle comes home yesterday and toy story 4 today good couple of days.

Well, my hard drive finally got to the point of no return. Hubby is putting in new one right now.

Fingers crossed that Windows installs properly on the new one. Then guess I will spend tonight setting laptop back up again.


When I went to grab the new hard drive from closet, I found an unopened bag of Riesens I forgot we had. So at least I got that to comfort me whilst I wait.


/waves hello & does happy dance

Everything is up and running so great!!

Windows went on without a hitch.

Putting personal files back on will of course take a while, but most of my backups can wait for now. Just want to make sure I have my drivers and game files set up tonight.



Ready for something adorable?

I can see Vrakthris furiously typing away…




Got to get in before Twulf.