[CS Lounge] Summer Party

Well last night was a wasted gaming night.

Tried to run a 13 Tol, a Heroic BoD, and an 11 Waycrest manor.

Could not get a tank to save my life for either plus. Sat in queue for 40 plus on each key waiting then gave up.

The BoD advertised as an experienced group, but Grong was progression. I simply did not have it in me to sit there. Gave some sreats on Grong and they killed it after a few pulls.

They wanted me to take over their raid, but I did not have it in me. I was not in the mood to explain each fight and how it goes. So I just logged instead.

Solid night sleep though… And I needed it.

I got in to bed tonight… And the dog laid next to me, stretching her paw up and resting it against my arm.

Right now, I’d give her anything. A whole chicken? Done. Treats for breakfast? Done. World domination? Also done.


Urgh. Between allergies and this summer cold, I feel like death warmed over.



Summer colds are the worst.


/ bro hug

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Slow cooking pulled pork today.

Rubbed it last night and let it sit in an airtight bag. Going to serve it over yellow rice and black beans.


Normally I’d be drooling over this post, but I’m pretty sure my stomach is on strike.

dude I’ve had this cough for 7 weeks now with allergies


Making Corned Beef today. Well, at least start pickling the brisket today.

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I’m allergic to anything that’s green and grows :frowning:

Right now the grass seed is crazy around my house, so my allergies are killing me.

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Even if you don’t have allergies, you have allergies when you move to Florida. Although evidently Georgia was worse this year. You could actually see it in the air.

We’re finally entering rainy season and that helps keep the pollen down.

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I totally concur with this statement. :sneezing_face:

It has been horrible this year. I stay stuffed up and with a sore throat and cough. Grass pollen counts are high right now in our area.

OH you make your own? That is awesome. I have only bought it, but excluding a well cooked steak, it is probably my favorite

Stadia looks kinda cool, if they can load it with AAA titles, they may have something.

Went out and came back, house smells delish.

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Less than a month til RTX!!! I’m so excited.

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Yeah actually it quite easy to make, just time consuming. The pickling lasts about a week and a half, and the you have to boil the brisket for about 3 hours.

Boil it to pickle it?

Anyway I am pooped. Mowed my front and back today. Jumanji music stopped playing so figured it was time to kill that jungle.

Tried a cut two settings lower on the lower. Really pole the lopk of it.

Of I ever get a good, not ok, but good gaming computer kind of curious to try my hand at streaming.

I know it is not easy, but I think it could be fun.

it part of the process to make corned beef. You pickle it in a brine for a week or so, then boil it. If I were to smoke it instead of boiling it, it would become pastrami.


All this talk of allergies, I thought I was just getting a cough from it but I broke out in a terrible sweat yesterday and had to go home. It was like my blood sugar had dropped low but without the shaking and feeling sick to my stomach.

Thankfully, an allergy pill helped. I haven’t had that happen in many, many years. I hope it’s not an indicator of a sinus infection.

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pastrami :yum: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :drooling_face: