[CS Lounge] Summer Party

y tho


Huzzah! I have been without the internet for about a week and staying with my mom at her house (I had some car transmission issues, theyā€™re all sorted now.)

Seems I have a lot of lurking to catch up on. :wink:
Sorry not sorry for all the likes some of you are about to receive.


I can find a similar smell to burning rubber here. Dead skunk. They get nailed on the 101 almost daily.

A few years ago, some air freshener company did a limited edition series of scents inspired by national parks. Their Gulf Islands Natā€™l. Seashore scent smelled exactly like the beaches by my Dadā€™s place in NW Florida. Smelled like home.

To make this food-related:
Iā€™m conflicted. Was planning on Chinese for dinner, but now I also kinda want to fire up the grill. Steaks, baked potatoes, and grilled asparagus. I think that is the new plan.


OMG the heat and humidity has set in

inserts head in freezer


Ah, the joys of a jury summons. Iā€™m in a late group number, so it has been a sequence of ā€œcheck back on the site at noon tomorrowā€ or ā€œcheck back on the site after 5pmā€ every day this week so far.

On the one hand, I havenā€™t wasted 6 hours sitting in an overly cold waiting room to be told to go home, or led into a courtroom to have them start the initial winnowing. On the other hand, I donā€™t get a nice and clean ā€œokay, thanks for coming, hereā€™s your waiver to not be summoned again for a year (or however long)ā€.

YAY! Itā€™s Lethie weather right now (aka high 80s into the 90s, CA so itā€™s dry heat). :sunglasses:

I do need to go buy some sort of loose shorts, though. I already have discomfort from jeans or sweats with snug elastic at the waist, and I suspect post-surgery Iā€™ll either need a blanket for modesty or some very loose bottoms.

ā€œI will stop trying to help people in other forumsā€
ā€œI will stop trying to help people in other forumsā€


I got summonsed for jury duty about three years back. Luckily I work for a law firm and they werenā€™t keen to put me on a jury that might be for someone whose file I have worked on. Dunno how long Iā€™m exempt for but I havenā€™t received another summons since!

I have gotten out of jury duty my whole adult life. Never even gone to the courthouse.


Received two jury summons, 20 years ago in Florida, a few months ago here in Minnesota. In Florida, I had to show up, was seated for an assault case that was settled while we were at lunch. Here, it was a two-week ā€˜on callā€™-type arrangement, as Lethie described. I had to call an automated line at the courthouse which would tell me if I needed to show up or when to call back again.

Been on 1 petty theft, 2 robbery, and 1 rape case
Was turned down by the defense, never found out why, for a murder case.

What is it with the severe storms in st louis this year?! Weā€™re slated for a strong one every this week! All between 4 and 8pm and then overnight

Sorry, old main

ran out of reports againā€¦


Finally. :stuck_out_tongue: I ran out hours ago.

Edit - Not gonna lie, the thought of multiboxing the forums just for the extra flags has crossed my mind.


Hello everyone!,

Hope you all having a great evening / night. I watched the Toronto Raptors vs the Golden State NBA Final tonight at my friends and my team won!

Go Raptors!


Iā€™ve got some Goblins tied to the poles of old (slightly) rusty spit roasters.

You could always use those for flags. They will definitely get attention.

Did they fix being able to flag from alts? (I admit, Iā€™ve totally forgotten I have that option for more loves. When Iā€™m flagging and hit the warning, I tend to take it as time for me to step away for a bit, give the mods time to get to them - and just trust that there are others reporting too.)

Been a little while since Iā€™ve had to spend time with a heating pad, but I havenā€™t been to the store to get more Tylenol yet. Also got good news on my tummyā€“no ulcer or cancer, but got a diagnosis of gastritis, so fun times there.

Also bought a wedge pillow to help with the acid reflux on my docā€™s recommendation and hoo boy that was a mistake. Gonna be taking it back tomorrow.

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I had completely forgotten that was a thing. :smiling_imp: