[CS Lounge] Summer Party

Man, this all sounds really familiar…

Store closed at 3am this morning. By 4:30, the kitchen was cleaned, and the dishes washed, everything was ready for the opening team. Then I stayed for another four hours doing all the things I know the day shift won’t do. Most of it is stuff that if it isn’t done, the wheels fall off.

Now I get eat a little breakfast and try not to be aware of the fact that my alarm is going to go off in 5 hours.

Sixteen-hour shift, five hours of sleep, twelve-hour shift (if I’m lucky).

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Just found out something I didn’t know, I think I may make my move back to the east coast and get my permit to harvest this stuff that’s selling for $60,000.00 a gallon. I had no idea this stuff sold for so much and what it was being used for.



For those of you that have been following my situation here with the renal failure of my Mother; Well the Hospice nurse came Wednesday 06/26/2019 and so I asked her the dreaded question; How much longer do you think we have? And her response was 2 weeks give or take a week or two, however we know it’s just a guess but I can see that it won’t be long.

My Mother is still able to go to the bathroom for #2 and sometimes walks by herself but mostly I wheel her in and clean her up and roll her back to her favorite lounge chair and I let her stay up as long as she wants and administer Morphine when she asks for it and other meds as needed.

She’s a tough woman and usually has a sharp tongue but recently she has started to mellowed out.

I’ve had a chance to have some heart to heart conversations with her and it has allowed for closure for past events, My Mother is a real trooper and I’m going to miss her dearly.


I know that scenario all too well as well.

Alarm goes off at 335 to be here at 430. Out at 7 pm if I leave on time. Back at 430 next morning.

For 6 years haha.

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Had to break down and get a new keyboard :frowning: My Logitech keyboard was at least 13 years old and she took her last spill.

Trying out a Razor Blackwidow…it’s “clicky” though. Not too sure if I can handle it!


The click with a mechanical keyboard gives you better key response. I guess lol.

My g15 lasted from Wrath u til December. It was still working just a few keys were starting to stick etc.

And I bought it used in Wrath to boot.

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That’s what mine was. I think I got it back around when BC came out. This morning the only thing it would do is permanently hold down the ; key. None of the other keys worked.

Not sure if I’m going to be able to get used to this…lol! It was $80 off too! So I kinda want to get used to it since it was cheaper than the other ones I was looking at.

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Do you play with a headset on. I barely hear my mechanical haha.

Drives my wife crazy though when she walks through tk that part of the house lol

I miss things like using the display to see what music was playing etc haha.

Edit. Ideally, I want a Corsair K95

Was on sale last week when I was at Best Buy for $139.99. I could not sucker any of you into buying me the gaming chair. What about the keyboard I want? Haha


Razor have a bit of a reputation for being fragile :X

I got a free Blackwidow from Blizzard. Finally dying this year. Fragile for certain.


Im sorry ive seen 1 grandma/baba go thrun end stage cancer and 1 godmother go thru cancer its never easey especialy end game thot to you and your family.


So true ._.
I use Corsair & Astro.

I like my mechanical keyboard for the nice typing feel. It’s solid and the feedback is clear. I also appreciate that it should last a long time - I don’t care for disposable cheap electronics.

I have zero inclination to think it helps my gaming performance whatsoever. It did ween me off of a bad habit of staring at my keyboard despite my ability to touch-type, at least; I chose one with blank keys.

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My keyboard has a split in the middle. (ergonomic) I need to learn how to use the other type!

I can type 80 wpm accurately and I don’t think I could muster 20 on am ergonomic one lol.

Not my keyboard though. God bless my wife when mine was dying she got me a new one that lights up blue, my favorite color, for my birthday. Bit itnis too small for my meathooks haha

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smothers a Gnome against his chest
Ug! Too hot! Absorb the heat!

I’m shallow. I tend to go for the flashy RGB keyboards. I’ve been using a $5 keyboard from Walmart since my last good keyboard died, but I’ve got my eye on a SteelSeries M750.


I use a Razer Deathstalker Keyboard and a Razer Mamba mouse, Been using them for 4 - 5 years now with no problems; I like the illumination on the keys and the mouse can be programed to my liking.

That one happens to be on sale right now through amazon too…but it’s still twice what I paid for this clicker.

/runs out to get timbits to use to trade with
/books flight to Blizzard HQ
/rethinks the cost of this endeavor

When I play, I don’t use my keyboard a whole lot as I tend to use my Belkin n52te gaming pad. I’ve been using it for as long as I had my logitech and it’s performed perfectly :slight_smile: Probably because nobody has spilled their drink on it…

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There was a centipede the size of my hand in my bathroom today.

I was | | this close to setting fire to the whole thing and moving on.