[CS Lounge] Summer Party

ugh, problems with Amazon, so my dad packages weren’t taken by porch pirates, they was delivered to the wrong place. He contacted Amazon CS to find out what happened. We know Amazon knows our address as they delivered here before…something changed. I got my package for the Amazon driver yesterday directly.


Or join the Dork Side.



I finally get to show off this skirt! And my cute gloves!

Gloves :O?

Classy gloves!

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I made the same tonight only it was mild and no rolls.

My local pizza place just installed some large screen TV’s and now show Failarmy’s youtube livestream all day long.

We went to the local wildlife park. Wills tried to make friends with a giant seagull.

It tried to eat her hand…


Boy, that gull is in for a surprise. :rofl:


It was not fun…


Don’t worry! Her training hasn’t started yet. Revenge will come.


Well, good to know I’m doing this Warlock thing properly.


Wait wait wait, time out!
I just looked at that picture again.

They call that a giant seagull?

It was at least twice the size of the normal ones! And no, I don’t know what it was called. That’s what I call it.

So, either the picture screws with perception, your gulls are Gnome-sized or your Gnome eyes see everything as large.

That seagull looks the same size as the ones here.

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It is a little after 5 am here. It is 80 outside, and I am yelling at an empty kitchen about the lazy night cook. Today is going to be no Bueno. I can feel it.

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Turn that frown upside down mister! Got to stay positive. Take it from this friendly Nightelf. :+1:

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Yeah. Nope after 6 years I have a pretty decent read on the situation before it happens.

It may be 80 outside but it is about 95 in my work area. I have a moisture evaporating shirt on and it can’t keep up haha.

That’s OK though. 7 more alarms. 7 more and I can turn it off for a week. I can finally sleep past 330 on a weekend. Granted those 7 days amounts to the end of July. But still

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It’s an Aussie seagull, though, which is why nobody is surprised it tried to eat a toddler. :laughing:


Yup was right. Walked into the office to a note for stuff to be do e this weekend. Stuff that could have been done yesterday.

I know exactly how long last night’s meal should take. I know exactly how much downtime the cook had to accomish this. And I know none of it was done.

My boss got an earful from me today. Sadly it was his boss that wrote the note. I am tired of the I know he will do it right so we will just save it for him attitude that seems to be perpetuated here.