[CS Lounge] Summer Party

In case I’m not able to make it up the stairs to my PC for a few days after tomorrow’s surgery, I hope everyone has a great weekend. :slight_smile:


Hopefully that’s all it is! I gotta say, I love my doorbell camera for exactly this reason! Not only can I keep an eye on what’s on my porch, but I also know when something is delivered now before getting notification that it was :slight_smile:

Here’s to a speedy recovery!


Pokes Kittin
I got to see the new Porgs and you didn’t!

Oh Mass Effect, how I miss you. =( </3

Glad to hear it wasn’t anything too serious, and sorry to hear that his delivery was potentially taken, hopefully it turns up unmolested.

Update to my counterfeit C-note: my boss called her boss and convinced him she thought the store should take the loss rather than me, since I got the bill from the store. Not sure I totally agree, but I really appreciate her stepping up for me.

I also ordered a dozen counterfeit detector markers for my drivers to carry with them. It was a crummy feeling knowing someone had taken advantage of my store, even worse that it looked like it was going to bite me in the butt. Hopefully I can help my team avoid the same experience.

On a related note, I was surprised at the number of people who asked me why I couldn’t just swap the counterfeit bill with an equal amount of money from the safe, and just let the store deal with the bank and the funny money. I was astonished that people assumed the bank would just hand counterfeit money back to me.


Morning all.

I still like to use the $2 bills I have accumulated to see how people react. If they don’t accept the $2 bill for some strange reason, I use my $1 coin. Then it gets weird when people assume those are quarters.

Sorry about your funny money Teuf. At least you have a company willing to step up for you. That’s actually a really good thing you don’t see much of anymore.

And a call out to Thundertotem :tada: for helping out my missus the other day. It’s still kinda strange that I can still see her online (phone app) when she isn’t on at all. We laugh and call it a ‘free-to-play’ option that enhances our QoL. I guess I’ll worry when the app starts working properly.

Have a great weekend!

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We went out to the local Night Markets (food, lots of different cultural cuisines). I got Greek, because it seems safe enough, right? Nope. Chilli in the marinade :rage:

You are so blessed; I’m happy for you and all others that have been blessed with children!

My wife wants a child badly; Going to a fertility clinic I’m 13 years older then her at 59 so looking at the math, time is very short; But hey my wife still has plenty of eggs and looks good on all tests, Me, I’m the problem, GOD willing he will give us a child, and we will know soon enough.

Going to try this this weekend; Saw you post it before and want to savor it’s flavor along with this I have ribeye’s that I’ve had marinating for days then froze them because I couldn’t cook them at the time and zucchini and squash on skewers marinated for a day in a soy garlic type sauce with sautéed garlic buttered extra large shrimp in between and garlic mashed potatoes topped off with some cast iron seared garlic buttered Texas toast.

Glad your Dad is getting what he needs to cure him, Hope he has a speedy recovery…

We have the same problem here in my neighborhood especially when it comes to some neighbors knowing that Hospice comes by the house, But most of the neighborhood punks know what kind of firepower I have and steer clear but if we’re away look out, Darn Thieves.

Hope you get your package Thundertotem.

So sorry this happened to you Teufelgott, These new scanners make them look so real, Hope your employees get accustomed to using that marker.

One of the Restaurants we frequently go to close by has a rule that you have to pay your tab from the table due to too many walk outs, Moral values that I was taught keep going down more and more. I over heard a conversation between others on a table near us once and reported that they were planning to walk out on the check so I let the waitress know; Next thing I saw was them starting out and being stopped to pay their bill; Waitress said the manager wanted to offer us a discount and I was like, No I just despise people who try to steal, Next thing I saw was management sent over chocolate sundae’s to us in appreciation, That was nice.

Interesting note, since Photoshop version 5.5, it refuses to scan money now. You’ll come up with a dialog box saying scanning bills is counterfeiting. Made things difficult for some of us as Graphic Designers.

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Yeah, I’m referring to the not so new, Didn’t know the new Photoshop program stopped it but to be honest where there’s a will there’s a way always it seems.

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Oh yeah, GIMP doesn’t block it and a few scanner programs.

Side note, the US government has a few rules for us Graphic designers using US Currency. If you use a picture of a dollar bill, it cannot be 100% size, either 50% smaller or 50% larger, and cannot use the entire bill. and the serials must show 1234567890+ so on

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I have a friend that owns a graphics company in Wilmington, N.C. named Modular Graphics; When he first started in the late 1970’s to early 1980’s he would do the design then burn the plates so they could be printed, He’s did very well.

Yeah no kidding. When that happens the men with suits and esr pieces grt called.


Feeds Bug

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something a bit easy tonight. Spaghetti and Hot Italian Sausage, with Garlic Butter rolls.


Hot wings for us tonight …well except my daughter. She seems to have inherited her grandmother’s sense of taste and hates most spicy foods.

My son loves them though!


So much anger.

Anger leads to the Dark Side.


But the Dark Side has cookies.

Doncha want some yummy scrumptious (lock) cookies?

/casts Soulwell

Cookies for all!!

All kidding aside, hope that your day gets better.