[CS Lounge] Summer Party

almost done, apartment smells like a delicatessen.


Corned beef is finished, need to let it cool down before I can pull it from the pot. I own a deli slicer so gonna slice it up tomorrow


OK, I know I already threatened to narrow down significantly your geographical location. I know you are not terribly south of me haha.

I WILL be over tomorrow. That is awesome. A good Corned Beef Sandwich is my absolute favorite sandwich in the world. Man I can taste it now. I might have to go buy and cook one, just to take to work and cut on our slicer haha.


New fad for me: grate onions to caramelize with brown butter.

Really good sauce starter or put a tablespoon in some mashed potatoes.


That sounds heavenly. Looks like I know what I’m gonna be trying!

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Aw man. I hate my allergies :frowning:

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/barf up a Gnome

Same here. I think I’m allergic to sunlight. The reason I say this is because every-time I step outside I sneeze a lot. And this happens even during the Winter when there is snow on the ground. So I know it can’t be pollen.

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Mine is more food-related than pollens. But I’m mostly upset by the fact that I can’t eat onion.

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Oh boy, that Pokemon Sword & Shield fiasco feels like the WoW General forums have spilled out across the internet. It’s surprising how deja vu it is actually.

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My wife for years couldn’t figure out hers either but finally she came to realize that is was only on cool nights with higher humidity, She doesn’t have it near as much now as when she was back in her old country near the coast but she still does here when a cold front is coming through and the humidity gets higher.

That sounds delicious, Think I will give it a try, maybe try a little garlic with it sometime along with a little butter, SautĂŠed, Experiment with it, Sounds like a good combo with all kinds of concoctions.

Thanks Alvraen!

Oh man that really sounds terrible, I can’t imagine some of my dishes without some onion in it, I feel bad for you Wickedkitten.

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Back locked up last night. Spasms right in the middle of my back in the muscles between the ribs. Made it hurt to breathe.

Kind of scared my youngin as he had never seen me like that. Some Motrin and laying on the couch helped though. Fell asleep on the couch. He did t even get upset I didn’t get up to tuck him in.

Feels a lot better today though. Still sore and I can feel the remnants, but manageable.


Ah, the ol’ Sun Sneeze. I have that problem, too, but to a lesser degree as half the time I only get the sensation of going to sneeze. You might have photic sneeze reflex. It’s also known as ACHOO syndrome. I think winter is the worst for me because of the bright snow even when the sky is cloudy.

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What is this sun thing you all speak of?:sunny: I can’t recall the last time I saw it.


Gladly trade you. Currently 84 here. The humidity isn’t that bad but it is supposed tk rain. And that will make it miserable.

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Mmm, Lethie temperatures - it’s supposed to be 85F today. (It’s such a conflict. I want it hotter. No one else does. So I barely get warm enough. I probably need to retire to Arizona or something for the permanent dry heat.)


Currently 91°F (heat index of 102°F) here. We have a 50% chance of rain and the storm clouds are gathering up quite a bit now. So that 42% humidity will probably increase a bit.


I avoid the sun. Like the plague. I used to like it, a lot. And then my allergies decided “Hey, cats, plants, foods and chemicals aren’t enough! Let’s go for the ultimate… THE SUN!”. /sigh

On the plus side, I’ve changed my race to Vampire. But I don’t sparkle. I don’t acknowledge those cousins.