These ants just will not leave me alone!! I’m certain they’re under the building foundation and in the walls, and they’re fire ants to boot. I’m considering going on a vegetarian diet just to get them to go away (since they only seem interested in meat products, which is why they were going after my cat’s food).
Something told me to check out the Witcher series on Steam. I wanted to play Spiderman, but sadly learned that was a PS4 exclusive. So I decided to look into it.
Picked up the entire trilogy of games for $14 and change. Had $12 and change in my steam wallet, so wound up spending $2 on the three games.
Spent the last 3 hours playing the first one. Fun. I like the story, has a nice flow. Game play feels a little clunky, but that is ok. It is still a lot of fun, and totes magotes worth the money.
We have had an ant problem for years. House is on a slab. A few years ago we started to get a perimeter spray around the outside of the house. That has helped a lot. The flying ants hatching inside the house have stopped. They did amuse the cat tho. I am confounded when a bunch appear in the bathroom in the middle of the house. How? Why?
That’s … not good, please keep a very close eye on your kitty.
Pretty sure my phone has died. It’s hot and stuck on the Verizon boot screen.
Depending on the type of phone, first I’d suggest giving it time to cool.
After that, you can see if google will help you find a way to factory reset the phone (if it doesn’t boot up again once cool).
Not saying it will help for sure, but it’s worth a shot.
Google saved the day. After a few videos, I found one that had a fix that worked for my phone. So happy that I ,hopefully, won’t have to run out tomorrow and to get a new one. Especially, since I don’t know what I want to replace this old thing with yet.
We had the same problem about 7-8 years ago so what I did was get some granular Spectracide for lawns along with some Fire Ant killer I then spread the spectracide on the entire lawn and crawled under the house and spread it there and also put moth balls all under there too and on every fire ant mound I could find n the yard I put the fire ant killer down (Brand name was “Amdro”). I then bombed the house and kept it closed up for a day with all cupboards and closets opened; That was 7-8 years ago and I have not had a reoccurrence since and no mounds in the yard either.
Yay! Glad you were able to get it working again I’ve been lucky enough to get hand-me-down phones from my brother. He’s the kind of guy that likes to be first to get the newest gadgets. So I’ve been lucky to get some awesome phones (barely second hand) from him.
But last Nov. I broke down and got new Pixel 3s for my wife and I They’ve been amazing! And I’ve heard good things about the 3a too!
I’m thinking about the Pixel 3a. The monthly payment is under $20. My brother loves his Pixel 3. I currently have an HTC One M8. I’ve loved it but it’s old and hasn’t seen a new Android update in years.
With new games announced at E3, what new games are you all looking forward to?
Zelda nerd here breath of the wild sequal.
We are the champions we are the champions we are the champions were sorry we beat u but were not sorry we won the NBA championships.
Two more dlc characters for Smash Bros. The player characters for 4 of the Dragon Quest games, (one character with 4 skins). The other character is Banjo-Kazooie.
It’s probably easier to list the games that don’t interest me.
Final fantasy 7 remake
Cyberpunk 2077
Of course Breath of the Wild sequel
E3 is exhausting.
For the peeps that were around for Zenny, she said hello!
Can you say who you translated for now?
I can, but I’d rather DM as it’d doxx me immediately if I say who/what I did it for.