[CS Lounge] Summer Here, Summer There, Summer Elsewhere

Is there a patch tomorrow?

Yes there is.

Lordy, and I was just starting to get caught up…

Tomorrow is 10.1.7

7am to 3pm

I need to find a visceral death match game to play.

I’m tempted to get a skeleton and dress it up different for each one of the holidays but idk how the neighbors would feel about it lol


BG3 has a companion leave u and leave u a depressing good bye letter if u ignore them.

I saw a 12 foot tall skeleton I was recently forbidden from buying. It would have just sat on the porch year 'round. Dressing it up would have been really fun.
I don’t know why the rest of the household worries what the neighbors and delivery people think of us. :laughing:


Rip gary wright

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You must shop at costco or home depot.

I think it was Costco or Sam’s Club, but it might have been Home Depot.

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can anyone recommend a good FPS to kill time with when the servers go down?

Overwatch 2.

One day, I will learn to stop procrastinating. I kept putting off doing the Kalimdor Cup cause I was either busy IRL, not feeling well, or just being really bad at managing my time.

So I started doing it last night and finished up everything I could tonight. I managed to get Silver in every race and buy all the drake customizations and mog pieces. Just wish I could have completed the gold achieves and got the title. :frowning_face:

/kicks own rear


I play a ton of World of Warships when WoW is down. It’s WW1-2 naval warship battles. They’re generally pretty quick games, and pretty decent fun. And it’s (more or less) Free to Play.

too broke to afford cheeseburgers atm. ;-; but hopefully i’ll come across some money eventually…preferably before DQ’s cheeseburger’s lovers deal ends. get two doubles, and a pumpkin pie blizzard in honor of my mother for desert.

puts out refreshments


I did that first thing on my main. I love dragon racing in general.

Some of the Kalimdor ones were extremely challenging where I spent a good amount of time flying the course over and over again to finally shave off that .x second to get gold. I am very excited for the Eastern Kingdom Cup.


Ever just feel like you should crawl into bed and stay there?

First had dentist appointment for a cleaning … that went fine. Still a little unnerving, but that is due to my apprehension around dentists – they were great.

Then right after I left I was sitting at the red light waiting to make a left once the light changed. There was a van making a right turn off of the cross street. They overshot their turn and drove right into the front of my car. Thankfully this was all slow movement and thus nobody was injured. Though my car is a little dinged up now.

All took just a few seconds to happen but I got to see it all in slow motion – knowing there was nothing I could do to stop it.

So we moved the vehicles out of the roadway and I called 911. The police officer arrived within a few minutes and took down everyone’s info. Now I just need to wait for her formal report and go to the dealer to see about my car.

That is the second accident I have had on that road. Starting to think I should really avoid it from now on, lol.


I enjoyed the races … it was really just bad planning on my part. That and I read the extension date wrong and thought it was going until the 14th.

AQ Reverse was not pleasant … but I finally got the hang of it. Durotar was dreadful for the Advanced and Reverse.

I have gold in some of the races. Hopefully, it will return one day and I can finish the gold achieves for the ones I missed.

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