[CS Lounge] Summer Here, Summer There, Summer Elsewhere

I remember when I used to raid a lot. I quit one raiding guild because the guild leader/raid leader was trying to blame everyone but his brother for causing wipe after wipe, and I called them both out on it, prompting other raiders to do so as well. He said he was benching me for that so I quit the guild.

Had another guild on the server that was one of the top 50 raiding guilds in the world at the time invite me in as a pug, and was then asked back to raid with them on their progression runs and have my alts run in their alt runs if I wanted. I had already joined another guild prior to this so couldn’t be in their guild since I joined a friends and family guild at the time.

I had a terrible computer then too and was lucky to get 5fps during a raid, but kept from dying in the fire and stayed in the top half of DPS.


I missed most of this expansion due to Dad issues, moving and my own medical stuff. I quit astonished they took me along and let me roll for loot. I had a lot of fun tonight.


It’s nice to have such a wonderful guild.


Ah normal raiding i havent done that since MOP. Now onto interesting things i may try this place out.

Less than a week now before the kids go back to school. Our son is excited (well, sorta…it’s “school” after all) to be entering grade 8 and being a senior at his school.

Our daughter is going into grade 5 and only really cares that her friends are in her class.

Me, I’m starting my last year of college next week, too. It’s going to be a busy one from what I’ve heard :face_with_diagonal_mouth: So, if I’m not around much, just know that I’m thinking of my CS peeps all the time!

In case I miss any big announcements, please accept the following statements:

  • Congratulations on _______________!!!
  • Happy birthday!! /insert GIF of a dancing zebra
  • Happy anniversary to you and your partner!
  • Sorry to hear about that thing that wasn’t good :frowning:
  • Yes, Vrak’s flies are controlling his thoughts. He won’t tell you they are, but it’s 97.8% true!
  • 87% of all statistics are made up on the spot. 88% of all people know that fact.



Good luck to you in your classes, your daughter in having her friends in the same classes and your son being at the top grade this year! Hope everyone’s classes are easy and fun!


gasp What have you done?! Now they will be angry that you let people in on their secret!


Back in Legion, my PC was so bad my guildmates gave me a bunch of upgrades (to me, anyway) so they wouldn’t have to wait for me to zone in, etc. It helped quite a bit, but it seems like they’ve pretty much all quit playing now.

We’re going to need to sacrifice a couple gnomes to the flies as penance.

A brisk 43 this morning when we had our walk. The moon was Super and Blue (one of Vrak’s co-workers?), so you could see your shadow. We’ll hit the 90s this weekend, because, Hey! It’s Michigan - if you don’t like the weather, wait 10 minutes.


so long as we have enough for those brewfest sausages…wait, awilo has a supply of farm of them, ready to go. so we’re good.


No more coffee for the two of you!


You wouldn’t need to sacrifice a lot of gnomes if you went with someone larger. Like a Troll maybe?

Or even a Dwarf.


Dont think we want drunk flies dwarfs are made of stout stuff. And nonu cant have turen were too lean and that no bull. Tho i hear vulpera make a nice fur coat.


Not to mention warm slippers.


Nah - we’re all stringy and gamey tasting.

So mom and I were watching the US Open this evening, and then… Blip. ESPN goes out. Seems Charter/Spectrum decided they didn’t want to pay the new fee that Disney was asking, so Disney pulled the plug. Gonna make a lot of people mad, with College football season kicking off tonight.

If we had an option to switch to…

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You mean troll new trolling news 24/7 where there only aim is to troll you.

Cool trailer

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…don’t make me blacklist you from the coffee pot swimming pool now. :grin:

i mean, they are the leading experts in sacrificial plays. :thinking:

nah, they tried that with my brothers, uncle’s, cousin’s best friend’s, next door neighbor. they sent him back, because he cussed enough to make a salty pirate blush. :joy:

we can always use some new housecoats and slippers, for winter is coming, and we needs to be ready.


Les incoherently about long weekends and working retail.

Bought me a mechanical keyboard and a 10 button mouse.


I wish i thot of this.