[CS Lounge] Summer Here, Summer There, Summer Elsewhere

Lol, honestly I really don’t know! That or Teamspeak.

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From what I can see, yes. At least the download is still available.

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I did that a couple weeks ago - cleaned the house, some plastic Adirondack chairs, and the patio. I can see why people love doing that.

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i think there’s some groups that still use ventrillo, though i imagine its very few here and there. most would prefer to use discord as its easier and just gives you more options honestly.


Well my town became a evac town for yellowknife it just got evacuated because of the fires.

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Best wishes for any having to deal with the various fires (and other disasters) hitting our planet at this time.


Rolls dice for aliens or zombies rolls a 1 sigh.

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Well, which one did you assign to the number one?

I blame vrak dice i stole his and they seem to be cursed i got natural disasters.

Are you sure they aren’t my dice? Sounds about like what happens in WoW with my terribad RNG rolls.

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I feel you. I’ve got family in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia currently on evacuation order which was just issued minutes ago for a large portion of the City of West Kelowna.

4,500 residents told to leave their homes. Fire is currently 4KM from the nearest house. As for where I live in British Columbia, It’s really smoky here. Cannot see across the street.


No smoke here but yellow knife is 20k people and there evacuating 80k

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Ya. I saw that on the news. However, Now the situation where I live is now a state of emergency. The area where the wildfire started by West Kelowna has gotten a lot larger over the past 12 hours.

This morning the fire there was 56 hectares in size. Now it’s 1,200 hectares. All of the area by this fire has now been evacuated. Even I received an emergency alert where I live stating that I’m now on evacuation alert. Even though the fire is a good ways away from here.

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I have 2 tubs of ricotta cheese in my fridge… need to figure something out before it goes bad, do not wanna make lasagna or stuffed anything. Looking at Tomato Basil and Ricotta cheese pasta, or Lemon Ricotta pasta.

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Stay safe.


When I briefly tried a keto diet, one of the allowed desserts was ricotta cheese with vanilla or other flavoring, artificial sweetener of choice, and nuts.

It wasn’t terrible but the things you mentioned sound way better!

i bake ricotta with my pasta and just mix it at the end. look up tiktok pasta recipes

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Good Grief! My husband turns 65 in November, and I do in March. This morning by 10am we had 18 calls logged on our robo blocker. We got 11 more by 2pm. This is not including cell phones. We have to sign up for Medicare and the vultures are coming out of the woodwork. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


I’ve been my grandmum’s live-in caretaker and companion for the past ten years. She passed a month ago, and sweet mercy. I don’t think the phone has rung off the hook so much in the past year as it has this month. And with trying to get her estate straight and all, I’ve been answering every call to make sure it’s not some company or whatnot that is legit. Most of the time, it’s not been.

They’ve got until the end of August and then I just flat out refuse. I’m disconnecting the house line and just will have my cell phone. That day cannot come fast enough.