[CS Lounge] Summer Here, Summer There, Summer Elsewhere

That’s practically every RPG ever.

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Feel old yet?


Getting tired of this job. Tired of dealing with all these homeless addicts giving me the same spiel.

Sorry! I know that’s a topic that’s off-limits. I’m limited in my options to vent. At work and at home.

So im watching the the last voyage of the demeter and im looking at one of the actors and im going i know that actor go home and google who plays the white rhino ranger from jungle furry and i was right its Nikolai Nikolaeff


My mood for the past few weeks.

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I wish I could turn off that postmaster feature where unlooted items are mailed to you.

99/100 times, I don’t want it. That last 1/100 time, it’s nice but I don’t care.


Still better then the wod fiasco.

a million times YES. if i don’t loot something, chances are, i didn’t want it in the first place. Zul’farak is one prime example. the sheer amount of trash loot that drops in that place is mindboggling. i just don’t bother looting any thing, not even the bosses any more. course most groups, i don’t have time to loot, let alone mount up, because the tank is already pulling adds to the 3rd boss, just after we killed the first. ._.

Unfortunately the game can’t read our minds and know what items we want and what ones we don’t want.


I rember back in wod when u would get mailed back literaly anything unlooted from mobs.

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Yar, hence a toggle would be nice.

A good compromise would be a “delete this letter and all attachments” function at the mailbox.


yeah, i can’t delete any mail that has attachments to it, unless said attachments expired. (I.E. previous month’s brew from Brew of the Month)

The Right Path archeology world quest for Spirit of Eche’ro Mount is up in Legion Dalaran today.

Just floating this out there since it’s a once every 6 months thing.

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Ah finally rolled my AC out. So much nicer in here now.

I rember doing that been awhile i wish they brought back arch for df so much they couldve done.

Hope you all having a good night. Been working on grinding reputation for the Soridomi rep that you get from participating in Time Rift Events.

I need about 7,000 more reputation before reaching the next teir for this particular Faction. Need 10,000 rep total. Currently sitting at the rank, Rift-Mender.

Not having much luck with drops however. Only looted (1) mount so far and (2) battle pets. Everything else has been transmog drops I’m unable to use on my main or gear that I don’t need for my main either.


Defeating bosses in Dawn of the Infinite also grants this, if you’re looking for alternative sources.

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Yup! I knew about getting reputation this way as well. Having problems finding a group for the new dungeon however. Most groups decline me for having no experience in there. Hence why I’ve just been farming Time Rifts.

I am geared for the new dungeon. I’m currently iLevel 438 on my main. Hoping to find a group that will allow me to learn the dungeon here soon. Would love to check it out.

why was the tank nervous before the fight?

because he was a worrier.

on a side note, a random player just gifted me the Ravenous Black Gryphon on my Horde Pandaren Monk. :slightly_smiling_face: