[CS Lounge] Summer Here, Summer There, Summer Elsewhere

I have this bad feeling my cat would attack me while trying to do VR. :rofl:


LOL I guess it depends on how often they are wrapping themselves around your feet when you are standing around.

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Olord… Artemis has this bad habit of attacking feet for no reason whatsoever. Especially when you’re not paying attention to him. LOL


Did you like my server suggestion. I thot it was funny.

Hehe, I did. :smiley:




Says You!

Had to download the game just to login and refresh my character list.


faceplants desk

i’ve got a LOT of stuff in-game to do, just to unlock the visions scenarios. x_x i may just wait till i hit lvl 70 and do it then. ._.

puts out refreshments, fresh coffee, tea, various cold drinks, baked goods and sweets, a separate coffee pot for the gnomes, then relaxes in his recliner


I hope everyone is have a good week and happy Friday!

We got a bit of much needed rain a couple evenings ago. It was a relief since we hadn’t had any for months. Didn’t cool anything down, but at least the grass and trees got a little drink of water.

I saw the Neo-Stormwind video on Wowhead and I thought they did an excellent job with it. A little warning though, it has a few scenes that are NSFW.

Played a little Palia yesterday evening and had a blast! The graphics are excellent and detailed especially the buildings and windows.

I love that the NPCs have lives where they sleep, exercise and wander around.

Took me a bit to get the movement down and not being able to use a mouse pointer, but it’s easy once you get the hang of it. I’m still trying to perfect my fishing, it’s really interactive.

Anyway, if anyone has time, you should try it out.

Have a great weekend everyone! :dracthyr_heart:


Get the drink with the buzz foam. While you’re there you can raise your drink to the robot DJ and wish Mr. Reubens farewell.

So apareny holding down the spacebar while typig out a message on your phone lets u move the curser.

yeah, i learned that in a meme not that long ago. i still forget it from time to time though.

alright…gonna start to unwind, as i watch vertz streaming. still working on my Horde Monk, before i transfer her over…though that probably won’t be for at least another month or two at best.

crawls into the pillow fort for the night


Yea, I can do that on my iPhone.

Also, holding down the zero key on my phone gives me a flyout menu where I can then choose the ° symbol.

The following keys on iPhone also have flyout menus for additional options:

- / " ’ ! ? . =


D4 is annoying i just cleared a story quest and like 5 mini queststs pop up sigh.



The game is half MMO. One of the reasons I stopped playing it for now. D3 is closer to D1 and 2 in terms of quest structure.

D4 felt more like d2 more to its roots the open world is nice.

For me the open world seemed like a neat idea. But after a while it’s just a vessel for MMO game-play. Which is what I don’t want.
For the older ones you could play on your schedule. This wants you to check in for events and bosses every six hours. I’ve had enough of that inhumane garbage.

Especially me, since I am a crispy elf.

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…and golden. You look like fried chicken.

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