[CS Lounge] Summer Here, Summer There, Summer Elsewhere

Had really bad storms come through earlier with high winds and sideways rain, but they left a nice aftereffect.


its coming down in buckets here.

Dodging buckets must be fun!


You cant win at dodgeball if i keep getting hit by the bucket.

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Not me scratching my head wondering why y’all are talking about eating personal care appliances on the way home…

The company is Conair.


Say hi to cameron for me.

Starring Nick Cage

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Put. The bunny. Back. In the box.


Think u can get this for the servers lol.

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The bunny doesn’t want to be in the box.

/pokes head into the lounge

For anyone who is considering a vacay to a beautiful and HOT location… 20 out of 10, I would recommend Jamaica.

We got back tonight and it’s going to take a little adjusting to life in the real world. Everything was amazing. Defintiely something that was well overdue too. Next trip, we’re going to book something for the whole family.


sniff you smell kinda crispy


OMG…Sooooo many people fell victim to “I’m in the pool…so I can’t burn…right???”

Thankfully, my wife and I were very diligent and reapplied sunscreen on the regular! We got some great tans, but thankfully, never actually burned!

I was ridiculously hot there, though! Meaning, 33C+ (94f+) not including humidity on a regular basis! Things wouldn’t even dry when hung outside due to the humidity!!

Still well worth it for a first vacay for just the two of us since our honeymoon!


I get that all too well unless i have 7 layers of sunblock i burn shoulders and nose.


Charred elf never is palatable.


But it goes well with Lembas viva la horde.

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Palia open beta started… I’m 242 in queue now. LOL :sob:

So not used to this… lol

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I haven’t seen much on that, the trailer looks cool though. I’m waiting for Ilysia, which is going to be a fantasy based MMO in VR. I think they are doing initial beta tests right now…I did not get in. :frowning:

Though honestly I’m spread so thin right now between multiple games that’s probably a good thing. LOL


I’ve been in since Alpha. It’s been an interesting process to see how things change and develop! I haven’t been part of anything like that since my Dynamix days. lol

VR? Fancy!

LOL I know that feeling.

Yeah, I picked up a VR unit a couple of years ago, works as stand alone and via PC for the more graphically intense games. I enjoy the heck out of it, though mostly solo because my friends with VR too are flakes. :stuck_out_tongue: