[CS Lounge] Summer Here, Summer There, Summer Elsewhere

I still have that. I just vet my music online before I buy it now.

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I still have this:


The one we had when i was growing up was a Panasonic. It wasn’t quite as wide as that one, and the ‘lid’ of ours had a 60/40 split. The larger left side had the turntable,AM/FM receiver, and a pit for record storage, while the smaller right side housed the reel-to-reel tape deck.


pretty sure we had one very similar at one point. don’t know if it was this exact same make and model, but it does look very familiar. :thinking:


Good morning, and happy Monday, for those of you who celebrate it.


Happy labor day.

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Today felt like fall. It never got close to 70 out. Yesterday was an all-day chilly rain, also coolish. It’s a few of those teaser days. Summer’s not over but the reprieve was nice.


So jealous! That would feel wonderful right now.


Yesterday it hit 95 with a real feel of 107 here, and today it has hit 93 so far with the real feel of 102.

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had a bit of a query so decided to ask in general, so as to not disrupt the peace here. plus i figured if any one knows the answer to my conundrum, it should be someone in the community. takes a drink from his tankard as he relaxes near the AC

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Mite have to tweet the dev on that one.

gonna be difficult to do that, since i don’t have twitter. :confused:

Annyone know how to make a egg roll im hungry.

Alas, all I can offer is the number to my favored Chinese take-out joint. But I don’t think they’ll deliver that far out. :sweat_smile:


No silly u push it.


Put it on the counter and gently push it.


now i’m craving donair eggrolls all of a sudden. :thinking: wonder why that is now. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Yumm donair sounds good.

I had a döner kebab when I went back to Munich in May, and I thought that had cured the craving. Now I, too, want another, but I know anything I can find locally will be inferior.

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