[CS Lounge] Summer Here, Summer There, Summer Elsewhere

It feels incredible that we are finally reaching a point where cutscenes are somewhat indistinguishable from gameplay moments.

FFXVI really does feel ahead of its time, quite a technical marvel. Graphical as well.

CBU3 1000% knocked it out of the park.

Every summer I debate getting myself one of those fancy “Iced Coffee Makers”. Then I just say screw it, make an extra strong pot of hot coffee, cool it on the counter, then store it in the fridge.


Yep. A large mason jar in the fridge and a filter solves pretty much everything. There is no need at all to pay for extra equipment that will take up space I don’t have!

Also good morning everyone and I hope you have your beverage of choice, hot or cold!

:coffee: :teapot: :cookie:


mine’s chilling in the freezer for a few hours. kinda debating about whether i should level up another Hunter but the prospect of doing that Hati questline, let alone taming Skoll is making me question whether i want to put myself through that anxiety. :neutral_face:

i may just race change my Human Hunter to a Kul Tiran or even Night Elf. though i also wonder if i should try a different class as i’ve played Hunter so much. (sadly its the only class i’m mostly familiar and comfortable with, though i’m slowly getting back into Monk more and more knocks on wood)

It’s a nice warm sunny day! I hope everyone else is having such nice weather. Going to make ribs on the grill tomorrow. After that the rain is supposed to show up.

My oldest son told us at dinner yesterday that the research group that he works for has to give a presentation in October. In Poland. He is now going to get a passport. That was a bit of a shock.


Nice to know theres a active hunt for the secret cow lvl in d4 sounds like the found the entrance but not how to unlock it.

I just use a large french press.

  • ~1.5-2x the normal amount of coffee
  • Room-temperature (not warm!) water
  • Stick it in the fridge for at least 14 hours.


Hope you all having a great day! Leaving in about 1 hour from now to see the new Transformers movie with some friends. Not sure yet if we will see it in 3D or not however.


Enjoy good movie.

still trying to decide if i want to play a Druid or a Rogue in Diablo IV. my main issue is, i’m used to playing a Witch Doctor in Diablo III, so Druid kinda seems similar in some way.

though i’m also thinking of picking up a PS5 controller at some point in the near future as it may help with it a bit. (especially considering i’m more used to a controller than keyboard/mouse for Diablo)

I went barbarian having a blast.

hmm. the prospect of bashing enemies and beating them up does sound enticing. :thinking: i may have to make one, fight a few enemies and see how it goes.

Well u are a dwarf u do have rocks for brains lol.

hmm. for some odd reason, i’m craving steak, hamburgers and prime rib. :thinking: :yum: :grin:

AFK my cats on fire.

Sad. I’m going to have to start using an external keyboard on my laptop because vvith the heat generated, and the position of said heat, the “vv” key doesn’t vvork most of the time.

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Make sure you have a laptop cooler if you’re regularly putting that much heat through your system.

I’d look into ways to throttle the heat production too.

I do, but VVoVV emanates a ton of heat. Have a stronger one coming in this vveek. It only starts getting really hot vvhile playing VVoVV too.

Just to be sure – you’re framecapping your laptop? Reducing graphics settings?