[CS Lounge] Summer Here, Summer There, Summer Elsewhere

I’m always here for the evening gloves and the hooded capes. I may snag the ruby felfire pieces for my Blood Knight, but beyond those few things, looks like I’ll have more roll-over tender this month to squirrel away for a rainy day.

R.I.P Angus cloud at 25 they keep getting younger and younger.

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When does the travelerscjournal reset.

Should be daily reset time on the 1st of each month.


6 more bosses ugh.

Lol … what happened to my shirt?

EDIT: A fresh login has resolved the graphical error with my shirt. Sadly, it did nothing to resolve the blue boxes in Collections.


Looks like a display bug on the armory. Make sure to report this on the Website Bug Report Forum if you haven’t yet!

Seems to be a lot of character’s are distorted lately. Some characters in my Guild have the pixalated box on their character’s heads too.


any one think there’s a chance some of the stuff from previous months trading posts will make a return some day? :thinking:


We’ve had a few things already return. This month, the bow is one from a few months ago.

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This is taken from the original blog on the Trading Post.

Items that are rotated out of their inventory won’t be gone for good though—they’ll rotate back into the inventory in future months—giving players who missed them the first time another opportunity to add them to their collections.


interesting…cause i’ve been seeing people with Ash’adar. sadly, i missed out on it earlier this year, due to not having the money to resub at the time. but its nice to know that some stuff can make a return appearance at some point though.

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Oh hmm that was the reward for filling out the bar. I’ve been wondering if they were going to bring those things back in some sort of way myself.

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Those should come back in as purchases eventually, I’d think. I hope.

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That’s what I’m hoping too. That would be a great idea for those that missed them for whatever reason.


Im glad i got my 50 bosses done sometime around 1am lesson learnt dont put it off i had planned on doing it on a fresh humand orvforsaken never got around to it.


i can honestly say the bonus objective isn’t appealing to me this month. i may change my mind before the end of Aug, but as it stands, i’ll try to get some tasks done and get enough tokens for the few things that i’d like (I.E. spirit pet, maybe the alabaster wyvern for my horde alts, etc) but…yeah, for now i’ll just work on leveling up engineering on my rogue…provided it doesn’t drive me to the point of insanity first. eye twitch

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I dont have to worryvabout the alabaster ones i bought the aniversary box i love my ragnaros photo myabe ill try to do a photo .


Same, honestly. I’m glad that there are those folks out there who are living for some of these mogs and mounts that we’re getting for the bonus completion, but a lot of that I’m very much meh about. I’m just here for the sweet, sweet Warden set.

Yes, I know nelf heritage armor is on the horizon - but Warden set.


Wow! Someone just gave me a 5 day park hopper ticket for Disneyland and California Adventure good until the end of 2024. I’ve been wanting to go since I moved back out here in 2019, but especially since the Star Wars themed area opened.


I quite proud of my self, I learned to single handed change the linen without having my dad get out of the bed. Takes me about an hour though, but I’m getting better, even with a bum foot. Pays to pay attention to housekeeping and the nurses at the hospital and nursing home.

Well, back to bed, gotta get up in three hours to help dad into the shower and get him cleaned up for the day. Plus I need to re-wrap my foot bandage,