[CS Lounge] Summer Here, Summer There, Summer Elsewhere

And a apology to anyone i offended unintentionaly.

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slept for roughly 2 hours. can’t fall back asleep. trying to play some WoW and see if it can help me. x_x

i already unlocked classic scholo. was quite fun running it for the first time in 14 years.


Wonderful. I don’t usually do much for my birthdays, but I basically did nothing all day, which was glorious, and then went out for Thai food. :smiley:


Well, I’m back from a week at the hospital. In the process, I lost my right big toe due to an infection. I’m off my feet for a month now.


Oh, no! I’m so sorry. Please take it easy, okay? I know it’s easier said than done, but while being off of one’s feet sounds good in theory - it gets very old, very quickly when it’s not much of a choice. I’m still recouping (count currently at 16 months and three surgeries later) and trying to get back to getting around like I once could. I hope things heal quickly for you.


Ouch! So sorry to hear that, Wreckingbull.


That sounds rough, I’m sorry. I wish for you and Leilleath a speedy recovery.


If you play WoW, the new pet you get from an Eon’s Fringe quest tells the worst Dad jokes ever. He will cheer you up. He is full up with humor. His name is Kabluey.


Sigh wow or d4 im realy enjoying d4 but need to work on this months goals.

Ill say this much normaly i hate fishing but at least i can knock off the wod and broken shore fishing for the month while waiting for lfr.

Saw the 2nd coolest thing I’ve ever seen about 20 minutes ago. I saw the Falcon 9 rising above the horizon and then going into stage 2 and beyond until it finally disappeared from view. The coolest was when I worked at a convenience store in Texas and one night, was taking a smoke break outside and saw the space shuttle from coming in for a night landing in Florida, but saw it from one side of the sky all the way from the West to the East edge of visible distance.


Birthday got off to a rocky start. Was supposed to get off work last night at 11, but the boss kinda railroaded me into staying an extra couple hours. Was gonna bake my cake when I got home, but scrapped that due to the lateness of the hour. Other than that, I managed to fit in everything else I wanted to do today (absolutely nothing).

Birthday greetings from the former Mrs. Teuf, both kids, and my sis in Germany. Dad called and revealed his summer road trip itinerary; he’ll be here just before his birthday next month, so I’ll get to treat him to his favorite German restaurant. He’s excited about it, as it’s been closed for nearly two years, and the back-up restaurants I took him to during his last two visits just weren’t of the same caliber.

Finally, I woke up from my afternoon nap to find that my roommates had baked that cake for me. :birthday:


Happy (belated) Birthday!


My head was in the sand again.

A delightful surprise when I showed up in Zuldazar last night to tie up some loose ends on a character and got prompted to go to the flight master.

I Can Fly In BFA!!!


RIP Tony Bennett :frowning:


Just saw that. So many great songs from him. Nineteen “competitive” Grammys, all but two of which he received after he turned 60.

Eight (8) characters to get the rare to spawn and get Krastinov’s Bag of Horrora to drop.

Now when I ran through one more time on another alt to start gathering the journal, it makes the Spectral Essence which my main has had since TBC. I possibly could have just talked to Eva outside the dungeon.


Happy new revolution around the sun.

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yeah, i wasn’t aware of that either. went on my lock that i haven’t used since 6.0 and got a free mount for my troubles. mostly cause my main(s) all did the intro stuff for BfA a while back.