[CS LOUNGE] Springing Forward

I think I’m doing pretty much the exact same thing. I was so focused on clearing the whole zone that I didn’t even start Act 2 until I was almost level 40. Now I’m just trudging along with the main quest and only doing a side quests that are literally on the way.

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I gave up on my laptop for d4 im switching to console im struggling with strongholds tho.

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there.

My daughter made me a card that was so genuine and accurate that it brought me to tears. I’m lucky to have such amazing kids!


Go Gnome or Go Home!!!


i love how my Rogue has to stand on her feet and reach up to get to the handlebars of the Champion’s Treadblade

best part, after doing the Blood Sausage quest in Loch Modan, and slaughtering some bears, she apologized once again for her “murderous rampage”. :rofl:

I’m glad it’s not just me!

I’ve only done one stronghold so far (Túr Dúlra) and it seemed fine at Tier 2.

But I guess I need to move up to Tier 3 now that I hit level 50. Just been busy today catching up on side quests and exploring more.

The Legion Events are fun with everyone storming in and mowing down all the mobs.

just had a crazy idea:

i level my Gnome Rogue to 50, get the heritage armor set and by that time, my Nightfallen Rogue should be ready for a faction change. race change my Gnome to like a Night Elf or something, faction change my Nightfallen to a Gnome and have the heritage armor set ready to go for lower level shenanigans and malarkey! :grin:

I also need crushed beast bones for healing upgrade.

They can hide in the grass, or behind a tree stump.

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Likely going to strike the 37,000 Achievement Points mark in World of Warcraft this Tuesday when everything resets for the week.

Currently 20 points off. Thanks to Dragonriding Achieves that really boosted my score! :smiley:


Those are rookie # now if it were over 90000 drops mic and walks out door.

You no longer have to be exalted with your home city for non-allied races to be able to do the heritage armor quests. :dracthyr_heart:



Hope that makes your decision easier! :dracthyr_uwu:


i did read something regarding that on wowhead, but wasn’t sure how accurate it was. nice to know i don’t need to be exalted now.


I am in need of those as well.

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Ugh i have unplug my ps5 in the middle of a update been sitting with a black screen while uodating for 2 hrs.

Elixars help a great deal and vigors amulet.

Okay, I know I’ve been playing Diablo too much when I’m in WoW and I keep trying to open my bags by pressing C.


i know the feeling. i forget that pressing B doesn’t open your inventory in Terraria, and that it just applies any buff potion.

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