[CS LOUNGE] Springing Forward

So before I put in a bug report anyone else having issues with the Black Dragonflight’s Vestments? The ensemble you get after the new quest line… I got it and can’t seem to use it on my Lock, only the shoulders will actually transmog. Am I missing something or is this really a bug?

Are you trying to transmog a gear slot that doesn’t have one of those appearances or just the three that come with it?

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Oh wait… That might be it… What three is it, shoulders, I’m guessing tabard, and what else?

Shoulders, tabard, cloak.



Well my human is now 50 gona take a break then get the armor and call it a nite.


Packing is going slowly for me and dad. Just over a month til moving day.

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Same here, only I haven’t really started packing. I have, however, been working diligently on getting rid of the junk that’s accumulated. Still a bit of that to go - most of the furniture is getting donated, so I’ll have to pick up new stuff when I get … wherever. I’m going to spend a few weeks with mom while I’m looking for a place up there.

Michigan, here I come!


The only furniture I am keeping is my bed (sans mattress), 2 nightstands and a couple of folding tables. Most of my stuff is packed, but getting my dad off center is bit of a challenge.

Also, got my first month of rent paid, renters insurance in place. I’m good to go. The only thing now is to transfer the water bill.


Well, well, well…

Look whose coming this way. Just to give you a little warning… 280 inches of snow this year in the UP (looking at May snow on the ground now). Or are you moving downstate?

Eyes up folks. Big chance for northern lights tonight (actually they are going strong during the day). This morning I even caught the space station flying overhead. Neat stuff.

Good luck moving Poctz and TT. After our move, we are purchasing all sorts of stuffs. The new chaise chairs work out great for northern lights. New grill because I no longer have a small balcony. And it’s supposed to get into the mid-70s today. Ah, the life.

Happy adventuring all (in and out of game)!


Now you know that for every item to toss away, 10 new items magically appear.


Don’t threaten me with a good time! At least, as long as I don’t have to drive in the snow storms.

I’d love to move to the UP, or at least “Up North”. The goal is some smallish town; quiet neighborhoods just sound better than city living. When I was up home in December, I realized the small town I grew up in was the kind of life I wanted again. Don’t get me wrong, bigger cities are nice, but the people tend to be a bit less friendly, and in too much of a hurry. (shakes fist and yells “Get off my lawn!”)

No doubt. But I’ll just keep whittling down the pile of stuff (or use the Nuclear Option again).

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This is definitely the place. Four miles from the nearest stop light and you have to cross a one-lane bridge to get here. I totally get what you are sayin’. Marquette is close and yet far enough for us.

Okay. I find myself guilty of this. I’m yelling at the darned Blue Jays to leave the bird seed I put out for the Chick-a-dees, Juncos, Morning Doves and the Evening Grosbeaks (my favs).


My problem out here in the country are the dogs. So. Many. Dogs.

I’ve got two who constantly use our yard as their bathroom. One next door that’s a coonhound, who barks at literally anything nonstop. A Husky across the street who constantly sounds like someone is murdering it, day and night. Two yappy dogs on the other side (the ones who use my yard) and one yappy dog, where the owners yell at it in the middle of the night to shut up, because it’s going to wake up the neighborhood.

I love all pets of all shapes and sizes… but I’m beginning to very much dislike these particular dogs. lol


Did you finally break down and get a Michigan winter car? :red_car:

Anyone know if the parrot mount still drops in mythic freehold the dungeon jounal doesnt show but wowhead says yes.

Ahh summer. That time of year when my cold water faucets cosplay as hot water faucets.


It shows in the journal under Mythic for me.

Wierd didnt see ok good to know.

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so in 10.1.5 more races get warlock options draeni/LFDraeni seem like a odd choice since summoning demons seems sacriligious.

The Warlock class will become available to Night Elves, Draenei, Lightforged Draenei, Pandaren, Kul Tiran, Tauren, Highmountain Tauren, Mag’har Orcs, and Zandalari Trolls.