[CS LOUNGE] Shadowstepping into the Shadowlands

Just had to replace the one on my laptop, but I definitely did not splurge on the 8 TB. That seems a bit exces…

Where did you see that? For science, of course.

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yeah, i think i’ll try dismounting a few more times without any addons and see how it goes.

its just trying to figure out which addons are causing the problems. :confused:

Greetings all! I know I don’t hang out here much, but is anyone aware of issues with chars not showing on the forums? I was forced to log in again (new software change) and now it only lets me pick from a char that…I don’t have. None of my actual chars show up.

I feel silly even asking.

That is what I normally have!!! Except I am a mage on Mannoroth. I don’t have a Classic char at level 14 and the low level one I have is on Pagle.

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Well, I guess it depends on how much you liked wpvp – of which there was plenty in my CRZ. In Mists, we were mixed in with Darkspear & Tich, so wpvp was always happening. Oh, the fun times we had in Halfhill. There was even a guild called “Welcome to Halfhill” that always kept that place hopping.

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On Newegg. I was already shocked enough that they had developed a 4TB NVMe drive, but was floored further. I was only just reading up on the Rocket Plus that they had recently announced that supposedly sidelines Samsung’s upcoming 980 Pro.


Having a motherboard with three M.2 slots invites some hella mad temptation, but it being the cost of the new “Titan” GPU from Nvidia is a massive pill to swallow. :frowning:

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Just ordered a 1tb SSD for my games an application. My OS already sits on one right now.

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Not a big WPVP fan, but I’m pretty sure I’d have a blast there. Wouldn’t be able to accomplish anything, but still.

Dinner tonight was… internationally eclectic. Banh Mi, which turned out awesome, and Perok (a traditional Armenian cake). Absolutely doesn’t go together, but there was only one piece of the cake, and it needed to get eaten. And so it was.

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a wild Mirasol appeared!

on a side note, i’m debating about whether i should work on my Hunter on the side, or try rolling a DK again for fun…though i haven’t really played one in years. not since…probably…WoD or MoP at the most?

though i may hold off in hopes of Classic Wrath servers and live out my glory days of playing a DK instead. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I did! And all this talk of SSD upgrades has me drooling.

My laptop is 2013 and may not make the min standards for graphics in Shadowlands. I DO have a franken desktop that is cobbled together from cast offs others sent me when they upgraded. It needs a monitor and …maybe one of those sexy SSDs.

Edit - this not me avatar…is way more me than the one I use. It is a rogue with my hair color, dapper mask (super important right now), and a rogue is my main. My forum avatar is a mage.

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This is everything I ended up ordering:

A little more than double the budget my son suggested. And… I found out after I showed him what all I had ordered that he was lobbying his sister to go halfsies on either a new monitor or an upgrade to my current GPU for me at Christmas. Thinking I might turn the tables on them and ask for cash to help me pay down the credit card after today’s exuberant spending. :rofl:

Parts will be trickling in over the next couple weeks, but the goal is to be up and running in time for 9.0.

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Got my AotC tonight for N’zoth! Yay me!


My 2/3 year old MB has two M2 slots. They are tucked behind one of the PCIe slots though.

We need to get you back into playing Stardew Valley again!

Lots of goodies in the base game… movie theater. He’s working on something for Willy’s shop too.
14-heart events for all the spouses are in.

I got my Switch controller to work with Steam somewhat. So I’ve been running mods for the game. The expansion mod (which is awesome! [Sophia > Abigail]), seasonal outfits for the villagers, tractor, elevator in Skull Cavern.

Hup. Be vigilant with your emails, folks. Seems the Emotet botnet is stirring again, be mindful of word document attachments.

Backpedal immediately if an attachment requires you to enable editing or content in order to view it.

Something something “Red Dawn.”


Fancy shinies. :slight_smile:

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Oh yeah!
Mario Sunshine will look great in 720 and 1080.

Haha, I’m a bit bruised. Walking my youngest’s dog while they were in the hospital with grandbaby#3, and Bat (the dog) gets manically excited to see me, and unwilling to let me have both arms because one has to be petting her.


The cider mills are open! :apple: Time for fresh cider, warm donuts, and the crazy attack bees that hang out at cider mills. :doughnut:


I <3 Apple Cider and Pumpkin Cider in the fall. Especially warmed up to the perfect temperature for my liking.