Hiring for retail post lockdown is harder than before. Forget about hiring quality people. Warm bodies to keep a store open for it’s full schedule is tough for some places.
Orc Heritage armor quest line
Fun stuff! good thing I did it on my Hunter. One of those fights can be tough for some classes.
I feel that! We are chronically understaffed. I do think most of our self checkout folks would know of at least two faster ways to get someone help than making them stand in line at customer service - that was just a silly way to handle that. Surely they have phones and supervisors as we do.
Strict corp. policy’s, insurance requirements, contract or union requirements will cause “go arounds” that don’t make sense to a customer.
We need a way to give multiple likes.
My problem is Costco as well. My partner is stunned beyond words if I can get out of a Costco at less than $100.
Then they have the cheapest food ever at their snack bar. Vanilla soft serve with chocolate syrup. That’s the good stuff.
Me and my two bored huskies stuck in sunny Florida wish for you to have snow.
It sounds like so much fun to go riding around like that!
We are just stuck going to the parks.
In case I don’t have time over the holidays, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas/Winter Solstice and a safe and happy New Year’s.
I work at costco but i only came in for a couple things 500$ later.
Rebel moon the not star wars movie is out today.
This is where you went wrong. I still shop there, but have not been inside for it in years! I just order online and things come to my porch. Lets me make up a cart list, review it for only things I NEED for the house, and then buy. Free shipping over a certain amount. Seeing as it is house supplies and dry goods I just wait until I have enough to put in the order. It avoids me impulse buying things!
I have that saved on my computer from years ago. Still my favorite xmas card!
Happy First day of Winter everyone!!!
Also happy Holidays and such
I agree about the convenience. But I always have to be at my phone, answering questions from the person gathering the items. “They don’t have this item, any substitutes?”
I don’t do groceries that way. I still shop for those. I use Walmart for all the house goods, cleaning stuff, canned or dry goods. I am ordering via Shipping, not same day delivery, although they do have that too. Never tried it though. I prefer to just pick things out myself, heh. Bad enough sending a friend to the store - I end up having to reply to texts and pictures. Beats bringing home the wrong thing though.
Normally that’s exactly how I do it, too. Not to mention prices are also cheaper online more often than in-store.
But having one remaining parent that has the pouty guilt look down to a T and a preference for in-person shopping, as well as being the closest child they have…
And that is how I ended up at BJs in September. Heh. Glad you still have your parent and hope you all have a very happy holidays! Even if it involves the dreaded shopping trips.
Try instacart they do most retailers including costco.
Bro try bikejouring, I know Florida might be a bit warm to try that. Perhaps in the early morning or late evening though, your sibes will love you. BTW you can message me on Battle.net or mail me in game if you want to learn how to do the sport.
Funny how when you use the emoji menu from the Windows Key & period combo they appear different than the ones from the Discourse emoji menu. But when posted, they appear the same.
Top row in this image is the Windows emojis. Bottom is Discourse.
What if season 2 is out.
Zach Snyder’s Star Wars fanfic? I might go see it after I recover from the holidays.
What if it isn’t?
It’s streaming on Netflix.