[CS LOUNGE] Pumpkin Spice, Apple Cider, and Everything Nice


me: iā€™m terrified of random letters
therapist: you are?
me: screams
therapist: oh, i see
me: screams intensifies


woops, ran afoul of the spam filter. My phone was pressing the F5 and refreshing the browser. I guess Blizzard thought I was DDoSing the support forums, and I was blocked for a little bit.

trying to see if i have any luck on a Night Elf Druid. wouldnā€™t mind saving myself $36 on a faction change, so if i can get the fishing hat and lager recipe on her, iā€™ll stick with her rather thanā€¦ā€œmooveā€ my other Druid over. :grin:

edit: alright, iā€™m starting to wonder if the game listens to you now and then. just did the fishing daily in Dalaran, checked the treasure bag outā€¦

Weather Beaten Fishing Hat



Hubby put the icicle lights on the second story. The weather is nice so do the icky stuff while you can. The rest will go out when heā€™s off in two weeks. We donā€™t turn them on until after Thanksgiving. The tree will go up tomorrow. :christmas_tree: :grin:

He just went up a ladder to stand on the porch roof, but heā€™s 65 in 2 weeks so if you trip, it can be bad. He had me toss up things that he forgot to bring up when he climbed up. Like a leaf blower to clean out the gutter. :astonished:

I have almost everything for the big Thanksgiving dinner. Need some Stove Top stuffing and a pumpkin pie. The pie will be last minute. The Season is upon us!


Only 90 minutes to go for ā€œwork,ā€ of which Iā€™ve done absolutely nothing (except play some WoW).

Today, I discovered the portal to the Emerald Dream zone in Valdrakken. And Iā€™ve finished two transmog sets, working on a third.


Sweet. I wonder if there is one the other way too?

If there is, itā€™s nowhere near where you appear.

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worst pub Regnyl was ever at, was one called The Fiddle. it was truly aā€¦ā€œvile innā€.


Me and Dad are shopping for an Artificial Tree as my Si Niece are allergic to pine, trying to get it bought before Thanksgiving.

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Happy remberance day to any vetrans on or know of any.



This dropped tonight for me:


My momā€™s dad just passed a few months ago. He was an Army radio operator during Korea. Not sure what he was involved with but apparently he was stationed at China Lake for a time. He never wanted to talk about it.

My dadā€™s dad passed back in 89. He was a Seabee in Vietnam. Signed up with the Navy just after Korea ended and finished his required time with his third tour of Nam. They told him heā€™ll stay out there in the jungle if he stays in. He chose to come homeā€¦much to my grandmotherā€™s relief.


I still havenā€™t found it. Where is it?

Itā€™s above the bank, in that tiny little plaza.


Thank you!!!



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Just noticed on my Spotify play listsā€¦

They have been playing a bunch of Judas Priest and Dioā€¦ not that is a bad thing, just odd.


hmm. my Tauren Druid also has that run tum tuber recipe from puslin in Dire Maul too. :confused: i may end up sticking with my original plan and faction changing him after all now.

though itā€™ll likely be a good few months before i even do that, so i donā€™t have to worry a whole lot. :laughing:


I gave up on my Stormrage Alliance toons. Itā€™s nothing to do with the characters, I busted my hump to get the to S3 raid status, my first guild died and collapsed and the next one doesnā€™t do PVE stuff a whole lot. Made some great friends though, and chat with them quite a bit. One I am mentoring for Graphic Design, walking her through getting started with the industry and freelancing also.

I am house bound today though. Turned out Dad got the flu bug and itā€™s kicking his butt, in turn, kept me up all night.

So, last night I worked with this shaman here, got him to ilvl 437, and came up with a cool transmog for him.

Music to start your Sunday withā€¦