RIP Mrs. Chanandler Bahng! It wouldn’t let me spell the last name correctly with an o instead of an ah.
I’ve had the mount for years, but haven’t had much luck for the new drops. Granted, I haven’t had a lot of time this year so can’t run all my alts through it for more chances.
Well tomorrow is November. You know what that means? Christmas music starts playing on the radio and in stores. Are you ready for Mariah Carey all day long?
I went to Walmart a couple of weeks ago and they were already playing.
Normally I’m not one of those “Christmas season begins November 1st!” folks, but I actually have pulled out my tree and stuff to put it up this week. Kind of trying to shake off the dust and whatnot and find some sense of normalcy in things with all of the upheaval of the past few months.
My earplugs have been sitting on my desk in an easy-to-remember place for the last week so I can remember to grab them when I’m heading to work.
Our tree will be going up in a week or so. We got some really cool fairy lights that we use on it. It seems like we put it up and take it down so fast. This year we will put it up earlier and see it longer.
And I have some gifties to put under it.
I’ve got friends who leave theirs up year 'round, and just change up the decorations for each season or holiday. I love having it up, just for the lighting and ambiance of it. The demonic felines love it for the battles of ownership of the tree skirt. And all things shiny, of course.
We usually put up ours around Thanksgiving and it may not come down until May the following year.
However, the one that loves it the most is Piper! It’s like her own little hidey spot and playground all in one.
For pulling the glass balls off of it and rolling them around in the kitchen?
One of the finer things! Even though I did learn my lesson quickly that the plastic balls are by far the safer option with these fools. Always seem to find that random ornament that they’ve hoarded away several months after putting up decorations. I finally had to just cut them a small length of garland to call their own, just to leave what’s on the tree alone. I really had to fight my little polydactyl spawn just to get it off the tree last go.
Same. I got the 2 Brewfest mount drops and the Headless Horseman mount, all on alts and not my main, the year before they became account-wide.
All I ran were warlocks, mages, druid and one hunter. I’m not skilled enough with melee to run my others.
I have the first Brewfest mount. The one that required days of delivering barrels to get. I got the Brew of the Month as well. Days later achievements were added. There was a lot of whining on the forums because some players didn’t do it after getting the mount. It meant they had to wait a year to get the meta achievement.
Oh, I should mention I will be out for the rest of the week. I’ll be heading to BlizzCon, so hope to see others who may be going!
Have a great time and be safe!
Can you settle a debate on trust lvl 3was it changed to account wide or is it dependant on if you were in past betas that more then one toon can have lvl 3.
I hope you have loads of fun!
My store, for Reasons, started early, so we’ve had Christmas stuff up for several weeks already. I walked in one day and between Halloween and Christmas, it was just a huge wall of Holiday. It was very in your face.
I can’t say with certainty, Darthwraith. I’ll have to make some inquiries.
I know some accounts seem to share their Trust 3 status with other characters on that account that haven’t really posted, but there are some alts that have basic trust level still. It may be just some characters aren’t updating, but I can’t be one hundred percent.
Far enough we know it used to be on say this toon but other toons seem to hhave lvl 3 were just sure if its due to beta alpha acess or due to changes ty.
Gonna be offline for a portion of the day tomorrow, gonna be doing the “New Computer Dance”!