[CS Lounge] Pining for the Fjords

They’ll be baaaaaaack.

I wonder whatever happened to Tflan?

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I really gotta blow out the dust in my PC. There are some nice cool days coming next week so I hope to get it done then.


Spent the week up north, well, north compared to where I live, at a rented cottage. Happy to be home though :slight_smile:

We had beautiful weather and gorgeous sunsets on the lake.

Then, on our last night, we forgot to bring in the garbage pail and we had a “visitor” come for a late night snack!


Listening to the scanner at work.

A minor hid in a McD’s bathroom to call 911 on their DUI mother. Wow!

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Maybe that will teach Mama a lesson she won’t forget.

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Hopefully, unless it’s a revenge call on the mom. In which case the minor is in trouble.

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What I planned on doing today: Work on my apartment.

What I actually did: Played WoW all day, leveling a shaman. He’s 42 now, was 10 this morning.


Wow! Dumb luck!

Found a wallet balancing on the doorknob of my office. Thumb through it to check for an emergency number. The picture on the I.D looked very familiar. Walked around and then instinct told me to check the coffee shop. Yup! Employee. Though she was working somewhere else at that moment. Co-worker took it and called her.
Credit cards were still in there too. Lucky gal, those cards could have been gone and maxed out by now.


W00t! Got in with a great wpvp group tonight in Nazjatar and finally got my The Alliance Slayer title.
Finished the night by hitting 20k achieve points just on Kyzera.
All in all, I say it was a very productive night.


*mumbles Horde scum :wink:



Well, it should please you to know that my Black War Bear was obtained on my Worgen Hunter. So there is a wee bit of irony in that screenshot, lol.


Literally all my shoes are caked in mud.

But are they baked?

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I can relate in a way. My wife went through something similar, only it was all in the recovery room and emergency surgery.

:tomato: Home made salsa from tomatoes just picked from my deck. Delicious.:drooling_face:


mmmm mudcacke


That is awesome. I got mine a few weeks ago in Mechagon lol.

We went on a tear. The closest I had ever gotten was 8 out of the 10 kills. But I would usually run solo.

I was in a Call to Arms group and just stayed. I got the final kill and clicked the complete quest about a second before I died haha.


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: .


I made spanish rice last night, to go with my salmon, and cooked it with a salsa.

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Today is the official day of the Woodward Dream Cruise. It actually goes on for weeks. They have the new mid engine Corvette on display. For $60k you can get a basic one, 80k is middling, and 134k a real nice one. 0 to 60 in 2.85 seconds. I need one for grocery shopping. Hah! So many classic cars just cruising around and parked for you to look at. Weather is sunny and 86. Wonderful day for it. We do get into cars around here!:red_car: