[CS Lounge] Pining for the Fjords

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, I maintained a system that stored passwords in cleartext, which is never the correct choice, but the thing was old. I happened to notice that my boss, who really knew better (he was responsible for setting password policies!) had that as his password. Seriously?


Just need to share this amusement: a minute ago, I wrote:

I was going to say in a city far away, or something like that, but after I typed “a long time ago in,” the first text suggestion was “a galaxy.” I could hardly write something else at that point, could I? Gboard knows its pop culture, apparently.


Could be worse!
Blowing over $500 in Star Wars merch in two months.


I can’t judge. I’d absolutely do that with RWBY if I had $500 to spare.

…and the room to put it anywhere in my tiny apartment.


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r/choosingbeggars ?

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So go and check my mail. Jury duty notice. End of the month.

Jury duty here is a week long. I hi estlt do not know what i am going to do about my kiddo. It runs u til 5 pm but he gets out of school at 230

My wife is going to try to rearrange her schedule, problem is her work is not very accommodating. Especially at that time. But she will try.

Short of that I have nothing. The only other person that would be available to pick him up is in a nursi g rehab facility. I am truly panicking a little right now.

I believe in some jurisdictions, being a caretaker to a child can be considered a valid excuse from jury duty. Read the notice carefully to see if it explains such exceptions and if it applies to you and if it’s something you can do in advance. You can also call them to ask. They may just say “only the judge can decide,” but maybe they can tell you something more helpful.

If not, then do the best you can to find something. Then at the first opportunity you are given, explain to the court that you have made a good faith effort to find someone else to care for him. Not guaranteed to get you out of it, but might. Judges have heard all sorts of bogus excuses from people who just don’t want to do jury duty, so be prepared to patiently answer a lot of questions that feel like they’re challenging your truthfulness, because they probably are. E.g. don’t you have a regular babysitter you could hire for this? After school program at his school? A friend whose house he’d enjoy hanging out at for a few hours for the week? What do you do other times if you’re held up at work? Where does he go when there’s no school and why can’t he do that?

I say that so you can be prepared because you can’t take it personally. Think how it would be if you came here saying you were silenced for no reason and that was actually true. You’d get a lot of pushback because people here know that’s usually baloney. That’s the position that judge is in. Even if you’re the one with a legit excuse, they are used to hearing the baloney.

Don’t know if this will help at all, it depends on how they run things where you are, but maybe it will at least help with the panic. Good luck!


I agree with Daventon, there should be ways to excuse yourself from jury duty (for valid reasons of course - which your reason should be).

I know when I was attending University, I had several notices but all I had to do was notify the Court that I was a student and I was excused (even though I was a lot older than the average college student).


My wife took my form to work today, and she is going to try to arrange it with scheduling and and see if a combination of vacation time and going in early.

If not, I will file the form with them and see if it qualifies.

I fully understand what you are saying in be prepared to be challenged, much like a silence. I fully do.

Just to answer a few of the questions…

Do I have a regular baby sitter? No. Our job choices and work schedules were chosen on purpose so that somebody would be there for the boys. This is why I rarely sit still in the afternoons. I work weekend doubles and Tuesday and Friday mornings.

After school program…I think they do have one, and that will be my next recourse if she cannot arrange her schedule. Though they are expensive. But if it is my only choice, it is my only choice.

He does not like the kids in the neighborhood for the most part. We are not quite sure why, but while he has friends at school, here…not so much. So there is nobody in the neighborhood we would trust to pick him up and have him stay with.

As to getting held up at work, I don’t. I simply don’t. My boss knows and works with all of us and our families when it is really needed. I could be in the middle of a shift, tell her I have to go pick him up and she will say ok, whats up? OK it is covered cya we will figure it out.

As to when there is no school, his brother would watch him. Or if his brother is sick or something, he would go to work with me. I cannot tell you how many times he has sat in my boss’s office with my phone or a tablet and some headphones. She loves it. My youngest pretty much grew up at my current job. I have been there since he was two haha.

Anyway, the panic is gone now. Now we are in problem solving mode. Hopefully we figure this out. When my wife got jury duty, she never got called. She literally sat in the jury pool room for 4 days reading books and watching movies.

If I have to go, I just don’t want my time wasted haha,.


Good news everyone!

Classic WoW appears to be working just fine on my paperweight…

also, i love the way the earth rotates. it really makes my day.

runs out


Hey, I hope I didn’t come off nosy. I mainly meant that you should expect those questions from the court, not that I needed the answers. I won’t say I get it, because I don’t have kids, so I sympathize but I haven’t truly been there. I do hope you get something worked out.


Naw not nosy at all bud.

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not gonna lie…a lot of people respond in similar manners to my puns. xP

also, i should look into the classic subforms and try to get some questions answered.

i’ve probably said this before, but i’ve never played Classic before. i started playing WoW mere days before patch 3.2 was implemented in mid 2009, so this is an entirely new experience for me.

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I just got this. :rage:

Beware the Classic General Discussion forum. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Mostly go in there knowing there are an unhealthy number who might read any question as a passive-aggressive criticism or sneaky way of asking for changes.

Depending on the server you roll on, you might find friendlier answers in-game via the local chat.


Got my hair cut yesterday! To go back to an older topic. I had long hair for most of my life, then one day I chopped it all off and went to a pixie cut. Never looked back.

It’s always like a breath of fresh air after a haircut, even if it’s a trim.


Well, you could argue that I cut my hair this morning - just with a razor, not at a barbershop. :wink:

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When it’s your Friday and you got some good tunes helping…



@Eilethalua my guild plays on Pagle, so i’m there as well. i’ve noticed that the map is one size only, (i’m used to being able to make a mini version in retail WoW), i also realized there’s no harbor in Stormwind, so i’m realizing the stories of “walking barefoot through 5ft of snow, uphill, both ways” may not have been an exaggeration after all. ._.

luckily, the “Battlechest” i bought way back when (had WoW and Burning Crusade) also came with a starter guidebook, so it’s helping me out a bit so far.

i’m also realizing that finding guilds isn’t as easy in Classic as it is in retail. @_@

i also listened to Cox and Crendor in the Morning, and Jesse mentioned how Classic WoW is “rough”, though Crendor, GMart and Strippin are all in their mid-late 30’s already.

i’m not really in a rush, i just want to experience classic WoW, and enjoy what time i do have in playing it. if things continue going well, i may end up trying to maintain a recurring sub.