[CS Lounge] Oh Sunny Daze!

I am not even level capped yet haha. Still in second zone.

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I decided that given the weather today and still not feeling all that great, that tonight was worthy of homemade chicken noodle soup. Just waiting the final moments for the noodles to be done. I have the flavor just right. Gonna be so good – comfort food always is just what you need when you are feeling down.


Nothing better than chicken noodle soup and (for my family anyways), a grilled cheese sandwich on rainy/yukky days.

Hope you get to feeling better!


Have you tried grilled cheese with tomato soup?


And not the super salty tomato soups

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But some good seasoning in the soup makes it oh so yummy.


That is the best!!

I prefer the Progresso Hearty Tomato soup with my grilled cheese.

Just the right amount of seasonings in the soup.

At least it wasn’t another kong day. :wink:


I watched it first thing this morning, then spent all day waiting for the roommates to watch it so I could stop biting my tongue.

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Oh wow – I won 60 days of game time from a contest on Wowhead. That will definitely come in handy.


Yay!! :+1:

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Yeah - usually, I get my flying about halfway through the patch.

It’s that rep grind - I ignore it until it’s too late.

I’m just not a fan of tomato soup. Or at least I wasn’t when I was a kid. There are a few things I’m not willing to check to see if I like yet. I have found I like broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus, which I was not a fan of when I was young. Then again, the basic cooking instructions for pretty much any vegetable in the '70s was “heat until mushy.” Blech.


so a little bit about my life that a lot of folks don’t know for 14 years i was litrly re·tard·ed because of a Traumatic brain injury watch i slowly over came for the most part me who at one point could not even dress himself to working in the concrete business successfully
i definitely feel like my progress is a miracle.

and yet i encounter people in this wow community useing that r word as an insult
to me it’s very upsetting because it is me it’s my struggle and its my 37 years of tears and hard work.


I’m caught up on Loki. I has feels again.

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Oh that’s definitely a good combo too. :+1:


hi caught up on loki.

that’s something i haven’t had in forever. been thinking of investing in a sandwich maker honestly, so i can make some grilled cheese and maybe other kinds of samitches…but my concern is, will i get my money’s worth out of it? :confused:

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Mine’s a skillet. It also works for pancakes and Hamburger Helper.

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I had a TBI when I was six. I didn’t end up as bad you. I did have to relearn balance. I have no sense of smell. I have short-term memory issues. I get headaches from the head injury.

I play WoW as my pain management. The pain killers I can take don’t work. The ones that might work I can’t take (allergies/sensitivities).

I report every instance of that when I see it - in chat, on the forums, character names, guild names.

Over 45-year survivor here. You are not alone.


Surprise Network maintenance in my neighborhood. I tried getting online using my phone as a hotspot, but the work laptop just won’t get a VPN connection, which I need. So, I guess I’m taking an early lunch.

At least the second maintenance window is after I’m done for the day, so I’ll have that going for me.

Thankfully no rep requird just reknown and story.