[CS Lounge] Oh, Greatfather Winter

I wonder if I will live long enough to see our Detroit Lions in the play offs?:lion:

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I agree. One could argue he actually would have won that game if not for the offsides call that led to an interception being overturned. But the flip of that is Brady very well could have known he had a free play and not really cared if it got intercepted at all haha.

No, no you really don’t. I hope the Superbowl is an absolute blowout. LIke 77-0 Rams. That is how deep my dislike for the Patriots runs haha.

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Pats are gonna take it.


I used to have an old coal boiler converted to burn fuel oil.
Several years ago, when fuel oil prices spiked, I had it replaced with a new high efficiency gas fired boiler. The installer informed me that it was a very premium model, it even had a 10-year warranty. I informed him that the one he was removing was 99 years old and still working fine.
The new one is a lot less expensive to run.


My house is built on a slab. The downstairs gets cold so the furnace runs. The upstairs gets real warm. It’s like living in 2 worlds. The cold lower and the hot upper. That sounds so backwards.:cold_face:

I wish it was frozen here. So hot. So humid. :frowning:

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Here’s a shot of my kids playing outside after school today:

It’s surprisingly accurate! Haha!


Not backwards at all. Hot air rises, cold air sinks.
When I run the furnace, I close all the upstairs vents and only heat the lower level. The hot air circulates up the stairs and takes care of the upper level. In the summer, I reverse it for the A/C. The lower level is naturally cooler, so a fan is really all that’s necessary.


We’re still in my daughter’s family room post-cross country move.
Here in SW WA we’re looking at $1800 a month for a 3 bed townhouse - an actual house or apartment wouldn’t save us much, if any money & the townhouse has the advantage of being brand new.

And the pet deposit is $500 per cat - I have 3.

We have a ton of ex regs that live there now :stuck_out_tongue:

for the old school peeps who remember when Toitle and Vrak would quote this.

I really would love to know the circumstances of this whole video. Why is there an audience? Why did they applaud when the brunette stood up? Is she famous? Is the teacher having an… episode? Why did they do this?!

:notes: Hold something… :notes:


She’s well-known in Europe and Latin America according to her wiki

It was the 70’s. A strange and weird time worldwide.

But here:



The song was released in Italy, it is supposed to sound like American English to an Italian audience.

American music was popular in Italy at the time, as I understand it, and he made it as a statement of some kind about lack of communication between cultures or something.

Claudia Mori is (at least at that time was) his wife. I believe at least a couple of covers were made of it.

I’m not sure what this particular performance with the audience was.

Truer words…

The wiki page really explains a lot, I can’t believe I didn’t find that before.

My old house was two stories, and it was like that as well. Most likely due to the fact that heat rises, so it would pool in the upstairs area and fill that volume before it filled the lower volume. Factor in the thermostat was upstairs and yeah, you had cooler downstairs than upstairs.

But it felt much better down there in the summer haha.


Are you stalking me. I don’t want to be murdered. ;-;

I wish you luck finding a place. :o

The end of the thread is nigh!


I’ll show you. After I read about 6500 more posts :laughing::snail: