[CS Lounge]: Maps and naps

I’m too awake this morning. :YAWNS: Um … ignore that.

Tanked RFK with guildies (WOW Classic) last night. Even with people I know, I’m so glad I tend to not tank until I’m at the top end of the level range, because the rogue likes to go pickpocket and sap, the shaman is blasting everything the moment I charge, and the priest bubbled me a couple times (he knows, he just forgets in the heat of the moment). The hunter was smoothest to work with (my brother) but even he accidentally shot or sent his pet toward wrong mobs a couple times. So fun chaos for an hour or two. :grinning:

Eilethalua My first time raiding in Vanilla in MC: We were wiping and so I feigned death. When it was time to get back up I forgot I still had the boss tagged and auto shot active. I was a newb… I learned but OMG never lived that down. I was lucky I was not kicked from the guild to be honest


Man im glad i dont live in calgary or southern albert u guys got hammered with the snow.

I just made salsa with the last of my garden tomatoes. Now I have to tear down the plants and clean out the boxes they were growing in. :tomato:

I had some leftover jelly from bee farming. I put them in the AH with a seabreeze bee pet. I ended up making $80,000 gold in one day. Not too shabby. I thought about going out and farming more but I remembered how annoying it was to see someone on a bee mount grabbing jellies and have them time out for me. I decided I didn’t need the gold that bad and will leave the jellies for the people out there looking.:eyes:


Well, finally made it to Revered with Honeyback Hive. Got my Goggles and shortly after looted the Jelly Magnet from a random jelly node.


Whelp. Called for a jury panel. Numbered for the jury panel. In the hallway waiting to be called in to start voir dire.

In the meantime watched the new Jeff Dunham on Netflix (not recommended in the jury wait room I might add haha) and Bumblebee.

I am not sure how I feel about that movie. It raises more questions than answers as a prequil in my opinion.

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So “jelly”. lol

I’m half-way through revered. I needed to take a break. It’s like looking for treasure chests on Broken Shore while on the quest for them. You know, when they all disappear. lol


My roommate finally gets to take her baby home tomorrow.


Skip the harvester event. You spend too much time standing around waiting. Go mad jelly hunting while everyone else is doing it. It fails 99% of the time.

Indeed. So many failed attempts today. People just run up to it and start and then go “Oops, I didn’t know what it did”.

I finally got to see the last rare from it that I needed for the last quest item drop – only to watch it run away cause we didn’t beat timer.


BBQ Centaur!
Enjoying the lowering temperature?

i dunno what it’s like on my server, but if you ever wanna give it a try, let me know some time.

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kinda regret boosting my Paladin now…but it is what it is.

now i’m starting to get antsy over my Shammy and Druid. which one do i want to have Inscription, and which one should take up Alchemy? do i want to faction change either one of them, and do Alliance quests, or should i wait it out a bit longer, and finish some of those Horde cooking/fishing dailies? .-. (if only i knew which Fish or Cut Bait for Horde side was the equalivant for Ironforge’s Fish or Cut Bait)

then there’s the BfA content that i’d like to do…but i haven’t even truly finished Legion’s content…maybe this is why i’m having trouble sleeping, this coupled with RL issues hounding my mind. ._.

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Since you haven’t come back and updated… I hope that means you’re home enjoying your limited free time and not that you got on the jury and got sequestered or something. (Not all juries are sequestered.) Or maybe you aren’t sequestered but are ordered to stay off all kinds of social media. Some courts do make such orders. Of course even in the most relaxed court, you’d be forbidden to discuss the trial at all, but I hope you’ll let us know if you’re allowed to say that you were selected for a jury.

Getting on a jury can mean you might get done sooner some places if the trial is short - other places make you go back in the pool for the full week even if you already served. In any case, I hope it goes okay and that your child care arrangements worked out.

Think i found my new fave shows this season prodigal son and bluff city law.

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Saw Prodigal Son, liked it. Didn’t see Bluff City. I thought Evil was pretty good too. Some scenes gave me goosebumps so I’m hoping there is more of that to come.


May have to look into evil so many shows cant keep up with them all ahhhhhhh i always have my precious wow my precious.

Haha naw I was just mentally fried and never came back.

There are still 38 of us empaneled for the jury. We were answering the judges question rations yesterday. We report back early this afternoon to continue.

And yeah not allowed to talk about or and were ordered not to attempt to find any details about it on our own haha.

I work this morning then head over to report

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I was on my EU starter account this morning. My mage there has now equipped the Overflowing Purple Brewfest Stein and Old Ironjaw. They were upgrades lol.

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