Turnip or Dog if you are looking to be able to catch wild pets. They both have attacks that will not take what you are battling below 1 heath point.
One of the Zandalari dinos or Iron Starlette for battling power.
Once you get one I can help you with more. Don’t tell anyone but I might have a guild bank tab of just level 25s.
Thanks for the tips on the bird. No calls today about Phil. Hopefully we’ll hear from the owner tomorrow.
Long time player, long time lurker, first time posting (as far as I can remember) in this thread…
Sits down by the fire with a cup of coffee “Hi all”
Dad’s release was delayed for a day. They wanted to absolutely make sure the infection was under control. Hopefully tomorrow.
Welcome Morgrann
Welcome. I started as a lurker as well. Now they can’t get rid of me.
Now that I have a free second, we have 4 budgies. We were up to 8 at one point. They all live in a parrot cage we bought.
It is disturbing the first time yoh see em go at it too haha.
One of the few animals that procrwate for pleasure, not just reproduction.
They make a mess when they are mad though. Throw seed everywhere. St least mine do hah
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I have two rescue cats that are 19 years old (Shadow and Sookie) and a dog that we adopted from a rescue in Brazil. Her name is Ava and she is 6 years old approximately.
Thank you all for the welcome greetings
I’m assuming you have to be max level to do the bee thing? My druid is only 110 =/
Unfortunately. You can participate in the events before starting the reputation grind at 120. You don’t get reputation either but you do get experience.
scoops up Kittin and BunnyGnome in a big smooshie group hug before setting them down in the Pillow Fort
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Space the final frontier to boldy go where there is no internet conection to seek out no new life and no new civilization engage.
Picked up Ori on my Switch and finally put time into starting it. Should catch up to my Steam file in about 2 hours of play.
blech…had a rough night. >.< woke up multiple times, even woke up around 3:30ish. ._. managed to get back to sleep for another 3 hours though.
but on a side note, i’ve been toying with the concept of reactivating my old account, just to run myself through dungeons at lower lvls…but i’m not sure if that’s possible anymore, with the scaling in place.
I start jury duty today. A week worth of jury duty. Whether chosen or not.
Yeah not looking forward to it. Like at all
hoping it goes by smoothly and quickly for ya mast.
I have alm of stranger thi gs season 2 downloaded, the new Jeff Dunham, and Bumblebee
I am set for today haha
Good morning folks! Hope you all had an excellent weekend
Same to you Kal, tho today is my friday, woot woot. Finally got to get out of my office today.
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Just making some important phone calls in relation to my mental health… being proactive as I just moved to this province a little bit ago and need supports.
I am also today trying to find support for my chronic pain (waiting for hip replacement) and am not sleeping good atm.
To be honest I am missing living back in Calgary as the supports I had there were amazing and so far in NS not been able to find any but I will.
Telling myself once I get this all done I can play WoW classic with no interruptions.