[CS Lounge]: Maps and naps

The old " Last Great Act of Defiance" image comes to mind. :slightly_smiling_face:


I can’t figure out how to find Barry, or start the Wrathion stuff. Grr.

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the goose waddles up to The Pez’ desk , grabs the tea cup and runs off. Honking Shave and a Haircut

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I thought I had finished the War Campaign, I’ve done the last one today. I haven’t done the Eternal Palace raid though, and wasn’t planning to, but I guess now I’ll have to. Does it still count doing it via LFR?

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That word I have gotten back on that is, yes, LFR counts.


Thanks Vrak! :heart:

In other, more awesome news… my Dad is being released from hospital today!


the goose honks in cheer

…and waddles off with Miss Moo following


Hey look!
Someone from Grateful Dead is really both now!
/Run away

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/rolls eyes

I can’t wait for the ignore feature.


Copy that.


I am tired of people coopting my time on my days off.

My entire morning is full today

Oh well Wrathion will have to wait. As will my Saturday relaxation. I don’t want to adult any more


Same here.

Currently hanging out at the car shop hoping the coolant loss is from one of the parts that is relatively inexpensive to fix. Wishing the whole thing was Somebody Else’s Problem.

Man. Been there, done that. It is NOT a good feeling

Hope you are right, but feeling itnis a head gasket from your description previously

Good news, sort of. Probably under $300. A hose and the water pump both leaking and need replaced, and it needed a coolant flush anyway. That is better than head gasket, which would be over $1000 and I would have to seriously consider just getting a new car instead.

Edit: or worse yet, cracked or warped head or engine block. That would definitely mean new car.


Sounds pretty good to me :slight_smile:

You had a problem, turns out it’s manageable. Win!

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Awesome news muh dude. Love it when prepared for the worst and they are like it’s a clamp haha.

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Not only that, it was making a squealing noise, which I had thought was the serpentine belt needing replacement, but I looked the other day and it was clearly pretty new - must have forgotten I had it done - but that left me worrying about further expensive things like the transmission. But they said the coolant was leaking on the belt, so that’s probably solved now too. :relieved: May even have contributed to the funny noises in the front suspension, but TBH those probably come mainly from it being 20 years old.


My explorer is almost 20 years old as well haha.

Think I wanna try my hand at making some sweet rice.

Imagine it cannot be that hard. Milk instead of water. Add sugar and cinnamon. And perhaps cook to leaving a touch of the liquid to make creamy.

Will have to Google a recipe when I get home. Done being co opted today.

taking a Zeppelin to Thunder Bluff and i noticed the Captain spammed his message about arriving in Orgrimmar about 5 times in succession. probably just the CRZ or something…though i always enjoyed Tolwe’s dialog. “Dere be a bug.”, “Dere be a bird!”, “Ware da ship! A harpy! …wait, dat be another bird.”

edit: just tried to create some characters on SoE…one was taken sadly…but the other two were free. so i at least have a name for a potential Warlock…was hoping one name was freed for my Paladin…but i may have to improvise and change things up a bit. :confused:

edit: hmm…there IS one way. i could use the name reserved for my Death Knight for the Paladin…and one of the names for my Warlock for my…that COULD work. :smiley: