[CS Lounge] It doesnt matter if you fly it matters what u did with your mount

Loki. Season. Finale.

Oh. My. GAWD.


Season, or series? I was under the impression that these first three series (WandaVision, F&WS, and Loki) were all ā€˜one-and-doneā€™ propositions.

Either way, off to watch it now. :popcorn:

SEASON! :heart_eyes:


Been a while since I was happy to be wrong. :smile:

Someone told me it was going to be another six episode series whose divine purpose was to set up the next Dr. Strange flick.


I am at work. I could watch while working however ibfeel this crescendo episode deserves my full attention.

With the success of some of these series, i could very well see the one and done philosophy scrapped.

There are infinite ways to keepnot fresh and relevant without interfering with the established MCU, especially with Loki

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Iā€™m experiencing a Marvel-related dilemma. It had been my plan all during lockdown that, when it was over, I would see Black Widow in the theater. Now that itā€™s finally released, though, my car is in the shop. Thought about waiting until next week, then remembered my dad will be visiting from Florida. Soā€¦ do I wait a couple weeks and see it on the big screen, as Iā€™ve seen all the MCU films before it, or do I shell out the $30 and watch it this afternoon, from the couch?

I meanā€¦ I think I know what Iā€™m gonna do. Microwave popcorn wonā€™t taste as good, but Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll learn to accept it.


We watched the couch version. We enjoyed it. The beer fridge and bathroom being real close made it even better.


'ello :slightly_smiling_face:

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I will admit, the ex and i split Cruella and i enjoyed it.

If she wants to split Bkack Widow i probably will. I am just not paying $30 for it when i know it will be free in about 3 months or so.

Also, totally making the boys watch Space Jam Friday

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:wave: 'ello to you too!


Ok i think i need to rewatch that finale

It was good but i feel like i missed some stuff.

Im not ready for another season finale nooo not loki at least season 2 is confirmed.


yeah, maybe weā€™ll see a Deadpool cameo or something. xP though knowing him, heā€™d probably give the assembling a 3.5/5 avocados or something. :grin:

Not enough Birthday Bug!



Weā€™re doing the couch version for our anniversary on Saturday. For one, itā€™s cheaper that way, and for two, weā€™re in lockdown again until at least July 30th.

Well, I definitely lost the raffle for the free Tesla.
Oh, well.

See epic drop from Valfir. See epic starts with ā€œEndmireā€. Start to squee thinking itā€™s the mount.

Realise itā€™s a pair of bracers and cry.

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Why does Gulā€™dan walk with a staff?

He fel.


Has anyone else noticed this new sound on the character screen? It is an ambient sound is all I can determine, but it wasnā€™t there yesterday.

Link: https://i.imgur.com/l8QK4MW.mp4 (2 second clip of just that sound)

And now it is gone. Very odd. I logged out of game and came back in to it telling me my video card was unsupported. Logged back out, made sure all drivers were up to date (even reinstalled them), rebooted and came back to game. Now sound is gone and so is the alert about my video card.

Game is wonky today!

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