[CS Lounge] Is it dangerous to go alone into the Shadowlands?

Yuppers! Teeny, tiny, itty, bitty diapers for dolls.


neither is a friend of mine. i don’t think she could ever be ready for this. .-.

@Kittin-tbf, i’m just as bad in bnet chat. i almost never use it really…then again, i’m not really social to begin with. ._.

well, that’s that. I collected the final item from the Pre-Launch Event Argent Crusade Quartermaster. I have the transmog/gear, pet and now the broom.

Before I fall asleep…

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Baby Yoda comes in a Lego version.

T minus one hour til lounge destruction and rebirth.

Joki g aside, kiddo turns 10 tomorrow. He wanted breath of the wild for the switch. We have it for the Wii bit Nanna got it for him.

He also wanted Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity that came out today. Dad for the win. Hope he feels better tomorrow so he can be very happy.


yeah, that was one of the reasons i got a Switch. game is VERY beautiful, but…the inability to repair gear turned me off the game entirely. ._.

never did play the original HW. i watched an early access stream of it, and it looks interesting enough, but i’d probably go with the first one and give that a try.

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woot, just picked up Elite Dangerous…for free.


Nice on coming in for the win! Hope kiddo enjoys that, it looks super fun.

I got the Island Thunderscale on my recent island expedition runs, and my partner wept. He’s never had any luck with either that or the Valarjar Stormwing (which I also have), and they’re gorgeous drakes.

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Time to get ready for the game tonight.


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Nice! I really enjoyed that while I was playing it. If I had more time I probably still would and I’ll likely pop back to it eventually.

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My friends have been trying like forever to get me to get it.

Soon™ :crazy_face:

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