[CS Lounge] Is it dangerous to go alone into the Shadowlands?

People like that have a condition, and may need an intervention.

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Now that the election is over (yay!)… on to some srs bsns:

Baby Yoda or Baby Groot?

I will one up you.

I grab the two free games on the epic launcher every two weeks. Whether I intend to play or not, I grab them.

Free is free right?


way to flipping cold -4 not includign wind chill outside for 6hours filling propane.



Love it!! We got the same Mando costume for our son! But your baby Yoda is super-cute!!


Hey vrak heres a ?? when a moderator on the forum sees a name flag do they look at the guild name as well as the player name or just the players name.

It’s because my Minions are super-cute.


Thinking about making meatball stew again tomorrow or a pork loin roast…

Dwarven armor unlocked.


I need the human and drenai armor patched in.

I would think if the posting character’s name isn’t obviously inappropriate then a Moderator would look at the guild name.

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Pork Loin Roast for dinner tonight, was gonna do red beans and rice, but my sister had other plans for the day and her kids was busy.

I need to finish the yardwork and get my lights up this week. I’d like to prune the maple tree that overhangs the back of the house, and there’s a willow in the back yard I’d really like to prune to ground level, too.

Next week is carpet cleaning in anticipation of putting the tree up after Thanksgiving. Roommates were irritated I backed out of putting it up last year, but not so irritated they’d put one up themselves. :unamused:


the community effort to make a fresh start classic wow is going well we have over 1500 players so far if anyone wants to join with everyone leveling together again
its on arcanite reaper alliance side


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It’s what’s for breakfast.

Coffee and daily pills.

On the plus side, making beef stew for dinner.

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Good morning folks! Hope everyone is having a good weekend. And I hope everyone gets to take a nap, because they’re wonderful.


I dont envy the skip the dishes drivers today lots of snow and most havent shovled yet me included.