High School sports are so much fun. I prefer to watch college ball but going to a game? High School, hands down.
Agree. I love the NFL and have season tix to the Dolphins (stop laughing… we’re on the way back up). But there’s really something special about big time high school football. Kids that play for the love of the game.
You’re speaking to a Lions fan. I understand completely. Well, except for the winning part.
I was in Marching Band all through High School and college. It was one of the best way to spend a Friday evening or Saturday afternoon. Plus free admission!
Best my niners
I played for the love of the hit. Singlehandedly taking away whatever side of the field coach wanted me on. You were not running that way, you were putting your tight end on my side regardless to double me, and I was still sending cleats flying.
Our band director has a knack for knowing when I was gonna lay somebody out and had signals ready. Different sound effects based on hand gestures. It was awesome.
The visiting team forfeited the game tonight. Apparently 4 of the players tested positive today. So me and Dad stayed home, ordered a cheese pizza and watched the Mandalorian.
… well. That thread seemed to explode real fast.
We can help who we can and let the blues deal with the rest.
I need to get off my duff and prep for the Paint and Take at the Game Store tomorrow. Gonna take a break from rolling dice and just do some hobby stuff.
I bought a new wet pallet and a tone of fine detail brushes. Looking forward to breaking them in.
hello wonderful person hope you’re doing ok xo
The fact that you cannot queue for group quests below level 50 seems a bit silly.
It’s possibly to cut down on low-levels advertising carries/runs.
I am going stir crazy and still have a week of quarantine to go.
And I relatively caught up on TV. I have watched more election coverage than I care to admit. I just want to sit at my desk, relax on my couch, hug my family
Can you still smell and taste food? That’s a big covid symptom.
It’s going to be about 75 today. We decided to put up the Christmas lights a bit early to take advantage of the warm. It’s not fun to put lights on the second story when it’s cold and snowy. We won’t turn them on yet, just getting them ready.
You may have missed it, but I tested covid positive at work on Wednesday.
I din’t miss it. It could be a false positive. Our Lion’s quarterback has had one. Not like they will win anyways.
Ahh I love your optimism. Can’t smell a thing, and can barely taste a thing
People around me have had them on for most of the week already.
And not like he doesn’t try - there are just so many weak spots that need to be fixed.
I think that would be the part I have the most trouble with.
Going through my 100+ games on my Steam account while waiting for Shadowlands to be released. I really need to stop buying games on Steam whenever they have epic sales.
Anyway, so far my current average Steam game completion rate is 55% which is better than the old 36% I had 2 months ago.
I have 15 on my account, and most of them just sit there, unplayed. Can’t imagine 100+.
I have a couple characters I need to level for Heritage armor, but I have no idea where I want to level them. Guess I’ll just sit on them for a little while longer.
Oh I can, and I have bumped into other people with 200, 600, and even 2000 games on their accounts whenever I read user reviews on Steam games I follow.