[CS Lounge] I will roll, roll through the gates of Torghast

Sigh … some people just love watching the world burn.

Logged onto my Panda Monk to check her mail and the AH … had someone say “Yo” to her, so I responded with “Hi”. That was quickly followed up with a racial slur directed at her.

I just stood there in silence as I reported the chat. Already don’t feel well … killer headaches today. This didn’t do anything to improve my mood.

Think I will just lie here for a while and weep for humanity.


will this work it will send u back in time.

seems like that would be gaming the system and yeah i can’t think of any legit reason to do so

Well, there’s currently a tremendous number of posts that need to be reported in the Classic forums and I have no reports left. I’d link the most egregious of such but it’s bad enough that I don’t want to risk my own forum privileges just by linking it.

Rest assured that if they’re that bad, others will have reported them too :wink:


ah i see it did seem that way


yeah, i got called a “baby” for not wanting to do death rolls in Classic. i just accept that some people feel its their God-given right to be absolute spanners and bell ends really.

but know that there ARE good people out there miss kyzera…and you’re amongst them.

/insert “Don’t you put that evil on me!” gif



Hopefully, but it was done in /say and there was only 1 other person in the area and I think they were together.

Just curious if I accidentally tagged your post as “reply” Kyzera? I’m only asking as I thought I hit reply on Delimicus’ post regarding threads in the Classic forums (hence my “others will have reported them too” comment), and not something in-game.

Sorry if any wires got crossed! And it totally sucks that someone sent you that sort of junk too :frowning: Glad you took the high road though!! :slight_smile: /hugs


My apologies for misunderstanding to whom you were replying.

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That is suffocating. Are you even human?

No worries at all! It wouldn’t have surprised me if I’d clicked the wrong reply :wink:

Looks like we’re going to be warming up here this week. Temps around 30C (90-93f) are expected by Wednesday. I’ve enjoyed not having the AC on to be honest!!

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day started off bad, got better and ended pretty rotten.

when you play a Warrior, and you’re invited to a group for DM, because they mistook you for being a tank, so you corrected them, and politely leave…and they promptly put you on ignore.

guess Warriors are only allowed to be tanks, and palys healers/tanks. ._.

For Classic? Yeah. DPS warriors aren’t really a thing. And a pally tanking? Nope.

The same thing happened to me way back in Classic on my Warrior, unless you were REALLY good friends with the guild master and officers, you were stuck as a tank and tank only as a Warrior whenever you were invited to PvE groups

Some still think that way too.
Warrior - tank only
Priest - holy only and Main Tank healer
All other classes with healing trees had to be healers: backups for the MT healer and DPS healers.
Rogues - Combat only
Warlocks - Destruction only with imp out providing the buff.
Hunters - Marksman only, with a cat pet. Saw lots of Winterspring cats being used if not the rare spawns.


DPS warriors are the biggest thing in Classic. I think they make up roughly half the melee DPS and probably 90% of the top 100 DPS spots on most bosses. On Flamegor, they make up 99/100 of the top 100 DPS spots, etc etc.

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Yay first real storm over the edmonton area lots of hail down south.

I would gladly trade with you. In the summer, with all three ovens running 15-17 hours a day at ~500°F, the hood can’t pull the hot air out fast enough, and the A/C unit can’t keep up, either. In August, the kitchen usually stays at or near 100° from noon to midnight.

Makes me miss my days as the frozen food manager at a grocery down in Florida. Got the job because, being the guy from Minnesota, I was the only one who could hang out in the freezer for any length of time.

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