[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

Best of luck ill be working fri/sat and ill be in palm springs sun.

Interesating there was a update to the forums the view ignored content either new or changed.

Changed how, I havenā€™t noticed. To be fair, itā€™s like 2 am here and I still havenā€™t managed to get some sleep

Just seems birghter or something.

You might be right. Sadly Iā€™m not the best to judge that tonight :blush:

She still needs to take you to the Vegas Hofbrauhaus. I want video of the waitressā€™ paddling you as you take shots. I also want video of Seenah drinking you under the table. Which she will.
Iā€™m a light-weight and not a fan of sever alcoholics. So sheā€™ll beat me tooā€¦easily.

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Happy Wednesday! Hope everyone is doing well.

We took vacation last week, my intent was to hit remix hard, which I got one toon to 65, but we ended up going to NM for a couple days. It was nice to get away from the heat!

Hoping to jump back into remix this evening or tomorrow. I read about the level 35 Theramore scenario bug? May have to level a couple of other toons just for that unless thereā€™s a fix. :crossed_fingers:


There are no less than 3 rabbits cavorting in my yard like something out of a Beatrix Potter book!

Good morning all :slight_smile: Pretty day here and hopefully I can get more yard projects done. The garage wall that is primed is ready for a top coat this week, if it will hold off raining. Otherwise, I have a bed of green beans to plant assuming the rabbits donā€™t eat them.

I might even play some more Remix :slight_smile: I think I am level 40 something now. Taking my time, like normal. No chance of frogs in my forecast.


Welp. Iā€™m hyper screwed.

Just got word from work that Iā€™m working from home wrong and just now been told, and Iā€™m going to have to take unpaid time off under FMLA. While my job is protected my medical bills are doing nothing but stacking higher. I really canā€™t afford to have no pay.

Maybe a higher up than my boss is trying to force me to quit. Wouldnā€™t be the first time. Iā€™m supposed to work on tickets but I havenā€™t received any tickets. Hell Iā€™ve barely received any work emails at all.

I worked at a retail chain in my healthier days until a previous leg injury flared back up and I was barely able to move. My higher ups adopted the strategy of justā€¦no longer talking to me, to the point of no longer scheduling me without saying Iā€™m fired. Maybe something I could have sued for but I was younger then. I didnā€™t know better.

Now that my stress and depression is through the roof i donā€™t know what to do. Part of me wants to say ā€˜screw itā€™ and binge on food and drinks I enjoy and see how much my broken liver can take. That or drown in medical debt. Iā€™m sick and tired of this dietā€¦Well, sick and tired seems to be a running theme in things in general.

Combine that with my diuretics probably being too good. Iā€™ve been losing weight rapidly, my sodium levels are dropping and Iā€™m having to use the restroom all day and night. Iā€™ve called five different doctors Iā€™ve seen since this thing started, left emails and messagesā€¦and no response.

My options are to quit and collect what there is in retirement to help with medical bills, or to find another work from home solution that actually gives me things to do until I get my liver transplant. And thatā€™s IF Iā€™m able to get it and IF itā€™s successful.

Iā€™m sorry to dump all of this here: I donā€™t have a therapist and hell if I can afford one now. Weekly support group isnā€™t doing it for me. I just donā€™t know what to do.



It is ok to vent here!

I can share what I was able to do when my mental and physical health crashed badly. Part of it really depends on work benefits and things I had opted in to.

  • Short term disability. Eligible for that for up to a certain number of weeks, depends on your state how that is set up. Ask your benefits/HR team about it.
  • Long term disability insurance. I paid for that and am SO glad I did. It gave me a couple years of 2/3 pay AND they filed my Social Security Disability paperwork for me. Took 3 years to get approved and I had to go before a judge, but it DID get approved and I got back pay. I owed some of that back dated Social security to the insurance company, but the rest I got to keep and pay off bills.
  • I donā€™t get a lot compared to working full time, but because I was maxed out on my Social Security contributions I do get enough a month to cover the mortgage and most of the utilities. Food too most of the time. Knowing I wonā€™t lose the house is a HUGE weight off my shoulders.
  • Look into filing your Social Security Disability claim. It is hellish, but if approved will make things more stable. It also DOES have a trial work period they allow before you go back to work full time to see if you are healthy enough. So once on it, you can also transition back off safely.

Medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy in the US, and it does have some special rules compared to other types of debt. If you have to push something off, push that off vs housing, heat/cooling, prescriptions, and food.

Do NOT destroy it all with food/drink. You have one chance here, and only one.

Check your local food bank and social services for emergency help. They may be able to help with rent, utilities, and/or food. They often also have links to donated medical equipment.

Be persistent with the calls to the Doc to get an appointment.


Mirasol you are insanely helpful to those in need. Hats off to you.


Iā€™m so sorry, sounds like you are really having a rough time.

Also be sure to contact the ones billing you for medical stuff. I havenā€™t tried it but Iā€™m told sometimes theyā€™ll negotiate with you, especially if you tell them youā€™re having to stop working.


That is my understanding as well. Things have changed for the benefit of the consumer since I last dealt with it, but yeah, you can negotiate now I think.


Wishing the best for you. Here are a few links to resources to try and see if you can get some assistance.



Thank you all so much for the encouragement and helpful information. I kinda need to step away and sort out my thoughts but I will certainly keep those links in mind.

Disability does seem like the next go-to, Iā€™m just worried how long itā€™ll takeā€¦time isnā€™t exactly on my side.


Lawyer. They have lawyers specifically for this. They may take a cut of your initial check from SSD, but they know the system and can help make sure you get the right forms filled out correctly.

I think they auto deny every first case ever, so donā€™t give up on that. Being sick enough to be on the transplant list should qualify!

The company my Insurance used to file my claim was Allsup I think. They were really good to work with, or at least my case worker was.

Tell them that and ask for recommendations that fit in your budget. Tell your hospital staff too. Many hospitals have patient advocates and social workers! People who have the job of helping you find the support resources you need.


There are a lot of businessā€™ out there trying to cancel all work from home setups. Especially the setups started due to the lockdown. If yours is for medical then maybe your legal situation is different.

In agreement there. Itā€™s what I had to do back in 1990 to get on SSDI. I applied back in 1988, took them two years to evaluate my case, going through the same process with the VA right now, Iā€™m on month 3 of records collecting, 40+ years of records spread all over the country and National Archives, and a lot are not digital.


Some mellow posivitive support in a song! :smiley:

(Meant platonically, of course!) :purple_heart:



It took a good few years for my mom to go on permeate disability. The system is slow and insurance doesnā€™t like losing customers.