[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

In my area, this is one of the services our legal aid group provides. Their fees are income based, so if you’re not working you would probably be charged at their lowest rate. Go here to find the group serving your area and see if it’s something they do - and is it isn’t, they may have suggestions for someone local that can help.


Sorry, had trouble doing a link, my trust level isn’t that high, and I think now I’ve edited the previous entry too many times. Try this:


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Idk, she said she’s slowed down. I’m still decent.

I told her years ago that she should take you there to train you to slow down.
My day job for the past 15 years or so has me dealing with too many people who can’t handle it. I’m going to worry about people drinking…

Lota big topics today on the cs forum little eay for a full moon.

/gives everyone in the thread a hug

Hope everyone here is enjoying there day or evening.


I cant see it Nicholas Galitzine has been cast as prince adam/heman he looks too much like topher grace as eddie brock.


I don’t care how cheesy/campy it was - no one can top Dolph Lundgren from the old-school film.


shes hilarious


Good morning all! spins around in the sunshine and cool breeze

Today is a perfect day weather wise! Hoping it stays that way and nothing bad happens. Going to try to put a top coat of paint on that 1st garage wall once the dew dries off. Might take more than one day though. We shall see.

Coffee, tea, and happy thoughts for everyone!

:coffee: :teapot: :bubble_tea: :strawberry:


Good morning Mirasol and all our other CS drifters. A beautiful day it is indeed here in the Edmonton area. Today is dog show setup day, I love these days as the next 4 days are so worth the work put into it. And Mirasol you work to hard. Thank you for the coffee.


Hah. A contractor in the neighborhood wandered over yesterday and made that comment too. “You are always out here doing something! Yesterday it was cutting back the large shrubs, today you are washing the car”. Well yeah, someone has to do it! The shrubs were way bigger than I was and needed a major cut back so the brush pile is something like 6 ft tall out back.

Yesterday was an afternoon rain day though so I could not paint. Had to just settle for prepping the car for detailing. It is old enough to vote and has a lot of paint damage on the roof and hood. I want to get it as clean as I can, then put a fresh finish on it that will hopefully help prevent it from rusting. Thankfully I own an orbital buffer so that should help reduce the arm pain!

I need to finish putting in the new garden bed on the South side of the house too - now that shrubs are cut back and there is more sun. Green beans and tomatoes. I have it mostly done. Just need to add the soil amendments, pitchfork it well, then grade it before planting.

Oh! And good luck with the dog show!

Edit - just fixed the car AC as well. Needed to be recharged which is something I learned that I can do myself! Quite pleased to be able to do it for $40 for the gauge and refrigerant can vs $100+ for a mechanic.


Anything cant do program a vcr.

I managed to finally set my car clock after having the car for 19 years. I feel confident right now!


Atomic clocks are a godsend when the time changes. :grin:


Speaking of clocks, this was a very interesting read.

Why scientists say we need to send clocks to the moon — and soon


We need to send Daylight saving time there. It’s just an annoyance now. Keep it one or the other. It’s tough on this old body. :unamused:

Oh, Happy Anniversary to me! It’s 44 years today. We went out to JAlexanders for a steak dinner last weekend to celebrate.


Is it just me, or does that image of Xal’atath over at The War Within Beta Test Begins June 5! resemble, to anyone else, Michael Jackson?


Sorry Guuah.

Your situation sounds super frustrating and disappointing. :confused:

The others seem to have lots of good advice though. I hope you’re able to sort something out soon.


Ok that’s an old car, might be time for a replacement lol