[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

Pity i wont be home for another 2hrs it will probably drop by then

Theyā€™re probably already back under 300k, but if theyā€™re 290k+ Iā€™m okay with that.

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Just incase


Iā€™m a few weeks behind you. Dec 21, 2004. Unfortunately, I did step away from the game for a year and a half or so. I was gone for most of 2012 and 2013. I had returned prior to the announcement of the ā€˜Orc statueā€™, and was gutted that I didnā€™t qualify.

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I donā€™t know what it is but being labeled as a ā€˜frog farmerā€™ is the most hilarious thing to me. Something that sounds so innocent (and adorable, frogs are cute) is tied to actively exploiting the game.

I want frog farming to be a profession now.


Finaly all HA collected.

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Just make sure you donā€™t touch my frogs!


drool lulu in palm springs restuaraunt week

that looks really yummy DW

Right ive never been disapointed whne i go there.

I know its been out for a while now, but I am absolutely digging greendays new album.

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I knew mine was around then, and wasnā€™t sure if I started before achievements - guessed not since my level 10 achieve was in November. It turned out the easiest way to find it was to search my Gmail for the account creation email.


Ah yes, that fun day when everyone logged in and guild chat was an endless spam of achievements. :slight_smile:


I was nice to my guild. I signed in when everyone else was offline. Not so nice to everyone else online at the time. It was more spam than using all the map toys.

I missed the achievement spam, so my strongest memory of my early WoW days during Wrath prepatch is the endless screaming of all those Death Knight mounts being summoned.

Carrot jalapeno soup for supper a gloomy kind of day.

I donā€™t knowā€¦

I might start breathing fire like a dragon.

takes a quik bite of Darthwraith carrot jalapeno soup


Not bad but mine
6 peeled and grated carrots
1 large onion diced
1 and 1/2 jalapenos diced the half is without seeds
2cans creme of chicken
1 can of creme of celery
4 cans of milk

Saute carrots jalapenos onions in a tablespoon of butter

Add. Liquid and simmer for 30min to flavour.

Can substitute jalapenos for pepper of choice i think we used creme 9f mushroom onstead of celery once.

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DW and another others around the Edmonton region. I will be showing both of my Siberian Huskies at the NACA dog show. Located at the Ottwell curling/driving range in Edmonton. The dog show is May 30, 31, June 1, 2.


Thanks! Been looking for that recipe for a while.

Also, HEB here in Texas carries Cream of Poblano and Cream of Jalapeno soups too.