[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

They have been called many names over the years and I am sure the structure and duties of the team has changes over the years. Blizz has a lot more infrastructure and games now!

Just assume there IS a Security team working on anti-cheat, hacking, and other security related things. Call it whatever you want.

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I call it SecDev.


This iteration of the forum sends a notification when you go up a trust level.

Would be nice if it did the reverse as well. Lol keep hitting enter thinking it would post like a message lol habbits.

Just curious, but what in the world are they putting in the water in New Zealand? I just read an article about a New Zealand man who tried to body-slam an orca whale.

Same juice the forums seem to be running on lately.

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Insert Florida man joke here


I tried Googling Florida Man Jokes, but all I got were memes.

Oh god, something must of been in that water for that man to do something like that.

I am not sure what it was, and honestly, I am not sure if I want any of it if it’s going to give you that kind of “beer muscle.” lol

Heads up – if you made two timerunners, unequip the cape then re-equip it to refresh the cape to get it updated.

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Doesn’t work for everyone. But not everyone has a problem with the cloak.

Where oh where is MissCheetah? :eyes:

Hate to bother you in here, but is there any way to block the awful gold seller ads in Diablo?

I’ve started the new season ( having fun, already 97 ) but the ads are insane.


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Doubt theres any way to block them just report and move on.

Is there a way to do that in Diablo? That’s why I asked MissCheetah. (Mirasol).

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 just make sure that the chat interface is up (hit ENTER).


As a whole? There is no singular tool to just stop them. You can report individuals and block individuals but usually they rotate through stolen accounts, just like in WoW. The menu Kyzera posted is the one you need. [Enter] then interact with the name I think.

We don’t have addons for Diablo games so something like BadBoy does not exist.

I have not checked yet, but maybe we can /leave Trade or Local chat channels? That would remove the problem. I have not tried yet so need to check that out.

I have been reporting them on my side.

EDIT! YES you can leave chat.

Options > Connect > Scroll to Chat Settings > Uncheck Trade Chat and Local Chat



Probably shouldntve but i got paper maio and th 1k door.

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Incredible game, I hope you enjoy

Gota charge my switch its dead and same with the joycon.