[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

Well thats interesting kurtward smith has 3 star trek roles under his belt voyager wasnt his first it was his 3rd he was the federation president in the undiscover coutry then had a role in ds9 then his best role in voyager.

Yeah, it’s estimated to rain/storm the rest of the week. Blurgh.

Also wasn’t planning on being up this early…doggo decided it’d be really neat to start barking at 1 AM for literally no reason and now waiting for sleepiness to hit back.

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Not a drop of rain here yesterday or overnight - it all moved through north of us, apparently. But boy, is it humid. And a little warm - around 70. The good news is that it won’t warm up much at all today.

I have my plans set for next week. Going to do some hiking/camping up near Pictured Rocks. Just me and the doggo. Should be a blast, even if it’ll be a lot of walking; something like nine miles the first day, then a couple shorter hikes.


Many of my seeds I planted in the past two weeks are coming up now!

  • Hot pepper
  • Nasturtiums
  • Either petunia or snapdragons or both. Very tiny.

Marigolds, cosmos, zinnias, sunflowers still to go.

Also scraped, wood filled, caulked, and primed the person entry door to the garage as part of that massive garage project.

Today is a scary day. I have to drive. Drive to meet a new doctor at a new place I have never been. I have written out my directions and spent hours on the computer staring at maps. Having coffee now and morning chores are done. Just need to get a shower and get dressed. Must remember to close the house windows too.

Trying to tell myself it is a nice spring day for a drive. That I live in a pretty area. That maybe I can stop somewhere on the way home and pick up lunch which would be a treat.

ARGH! runs around flailing while trying to drink coffee


Can’t wait for Vivid Festival to begin. Love the light shows we put on display here in Sydney

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Looks like a blast!

And of course, it’s a coincidence the Swans and GIANTS are both out of town this weekend, right? :wink:

13 days till im in palm springs sigh cant wait.

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I don’t really follow the AFL. Never got into sports.

I got into it (at least as much as a non-Australian can) while working third shifts. Lots of downtime, so I had to have something to do; between that on the weekends and WoW the rest of the time, I (mostly) survived.

Okay this made me chuckle a bit


I actually never really enjoyed sports. My partner on the other hand, loves the NRL, but he doesn’t get to watch it as often, due to his work.

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One thing I haven’t really seen mentioned in regards to Remix.

Make sure you open up your bank and purchase x7 of the 36 slot Timerunner’s Satchels (cost 10 Bronze each). That way your character will be set once they are activated on Live.


Worth it even if you only play a character long enough to buy the bags.

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I see the forum here got a bit of sweeping up while I was gone.

Made it to my appointment and home safely. I took all back roads that were slow, but really the only way to get there. Got reminded that late May is beautiful. Honeysuckle and roses blooming, fields starting to sprout corn, hay getting big, farm stands being shined up. I also stopped at the grocery store for fresh veggies to make pasta salad and some strawberries. Just need ice cream for those strawberries but that was not on sale at that store.

Anyway, I lived.


So close to 40,000 Achievement Points. Literally just need (1) more achievement earned. Currently at 39,995 Points. So cannot really get any closer than that without going over 40,000.

If you are getting ice cream, I highly recommend Rolo chocolate flavored! My favorite ice cream out there! Speaking of which, I need to grab some after work tonight!


Hey vrak kalv mentioned a game security team in a locked. And unlisted thread what is a game security team.

Should just go over. Speaking of achievements, it was nice returning to previous content from the Remix and earning new Achievements I didn’t realized existed too.

I am honestly more of a Vanilla girl myself! I know, that may seem strange, but the really loaded ice creams are too much for me. I also don’t care for the fruit ones or super chocolate ones.

Choc chip
Mint choc chip
Cookies and cream

Maple black walnut is good too but hard to find.

I THINK this is what is going on.

You would have heard them called the Hacks team as a public facing term. GMs handle the first line appeals, and refer to the data flags on the account records. The Hacks team would handle escalated appeals on things that are anti-cheat related. They would verify the flagging detection criteria was correct, that it is not a false positive, etc.

So, GMs handle all Social infractions, including escalated appeals. GMs handle first line cheating/RMT type appeals. Hacks team actually makes the software that detects those cheats and handles the escalated appeals.

Interesting ive just never seen anyone mention them thats why im curious.