[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

Yeah… I already made most things from scratch but it certainly discourages any premade or fast foods!

Gardens are also a great thing. Fresh veggies and herbs are really nice to have in summer. My dad lives where cool weather crops like root veg grow well so he now grows enough potatoes, onions, cabbage, etc for the winter. Freezes green beans, cans tomatoes, etc. Sadly he lives too far away for us to collaborate!

I, too, have a lowbie Highmountain Tauren that I think is a druid that I should level. I started with a paladin (because it’s me, it was probably always going to be paladin first) but did Lightforged since I don’t have one of those leveled either.

Yeah, I make chili and though I don’t add salt, it is in no way low sodium. The canned tomatoes have it, canned beans when I use those, and I usually add some kind of broth. But some family still add salt to it.

I find many processed foods too salty, especially chips. I get lightly salted version because I just like them better. But going really low sodium is definitely an adjustment, taste wise.

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Same! You cook exactly like I do for chili. I do not add salt because the canned goods all have salt in them, quite a lot of it. I do add lots of other flavors and heat, but not salt. If I make my own beans THEN I might consider salt at the end depending on how it tastes.

It is an adjustment I think, but I feel lucky that I did not have a high salt diet to start with so it is sort of normal for me? Others find it really strange though so I just hand them the salt shaker.

I harvested my first carrots from a grow bag outside. Roasted them with olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper, some rosemary from my inside hydro unit, and some onions. I kinna overcooked them, but otherwise, they were great!


Here is my Remix alt … I tried my best to capture the Cryptkeeper look. Think I got a good name.


Also, with all this talk about tacos. I just read a news article about a taco stand in Mexico City that just received a Michelin Star. Those must be some really great tacos.

link: https://www.cnn.com/travel/taqueria-el-califa-de-leon-mexico-city/index.html

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Alright remix is fun, especially reading general chat for people trying to figure out how to get to stormwind. Sooooo funny.

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I made a big pot of chili a couple months ago, using low/no-sodium everything. It was horrible. My roommate has heart issues, and I thought it’d be nice if he could enjoy a bowl, too. He also thought it was horrible. We both added salt.

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Sounds like it needed hot peppers of some kind

Chats been quiet.


Um… Err… I have no words.


The words are there. It speaks for itself.


Seems reasonable to me. If I go to a natural park and there’s not trained grizzly bears dancing and doing tricks at all times I’d be disappointed too.

Circus, Yellowstone, what’s the difference?


They can try to give the bear a little “pick me up”, but as the recent movie showed, it’s probably a dangerous idea.

Maybe if he walked around in an outfit made entirely of meat he would see their “training” in action. lol

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Brr i know its the may long but why does it have to feel like snow.

It’s beautiful here. Mid 70’s. You should move to Detroit!

The end of the month (May 30) will be my 44th wedding anniversary. :grin:Time flys.

If you ignore the grey hair, aches and pains, groaning when standing, constant Dr visits, it feels the same as when we got married.


In 2 weeks ill be in palm springs.

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Florida is nice as long as you don’t live there.